Food safety
33 news found

Food safetyUS: Georgia on the alert for avian influenza
The "capital" of the USA chickens detects the 5th case of Hpai, but the first one that comes from a commercial premises
Georgia, considered the US capital of chickens, is alarmed by avian influenza. the State Department of Agriculture and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of the United States Department... more

Food safetyEfsa: silicon in food is safe
Anti-caking agent also used in baby food as a food additive (E 551) 14
The European Food Safety Authority has confirmed that the use of silica in foods, including those for infants and children, is safe. Last week, the Efsa Panel on Food Additives and Flavourings concluded... more

Food safetyCounterfeit wine sold as premium: 6 European arrest warrants
Italian-French operation dismantles criminal association: fake bottles sold for up to € 15,000 each
The Carabinieri announced today that on the morning of September 26, in the provinces of Turin, Monza, Cuneo, Rome and Bologna, the NAS of Turin, coordinated by the local Public Prosecutor's Office and... more

Food safetyEurostat: "adequate" meals prohibitive for more and more people in the EU
9.5% of the population cannot afford meat, fish or vegetable equivalents every 2 days
In 2023, 9.5% of the EU population were unable to afford a meal containing meat, fish or a vegetarian equivalent every second day, 1.2 percentage points (pp) higher compared with 2022 (8.3%).Moreover,... more

Food safetyAgroecology Coalition: 2024-2030 strategy
On 27 June at IFAD the transition towards fair and sustainable food systems will be discussed
“Current food systems have failed to make healthy, nutritious food accessible to all. Approximately 735 million people suffer from hunger. At the same time, our current food systems are unsustainable a... more

Food safetyPortugal also says no to Nutriscore
New center-right government cancels the measure decided by the previous center-left executive
The opposition to Nutriscore, the food labelling system that sees Italy as one of the main adversaries, is increasingly widening. The new Portuguese government that came to power in early April and led... more

Food safetyEfsa launches Safe2Eat campaign
Renewed commitment to raise awareness of conscious food choices
Building on the success of the previous three years, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and its partners in EU Member States have launched the Safe2Eat 2024 campaign. Previously known as #EUChooseSafeFood,... more

Food safetyEfsa: parasites found in some fish species
Further investigations also necessary for aquaculture species /Annex
Many of the most commonly farmed and consumed fish in the EU/EFTA show no evidence of parasites that can infect humans. However, parasites were found in some farmed species and more data is needed to determine... more

Food safetyInorganic arsenic in food: health concerns confirmed
According to EFSA, prolonged intake of the substance exposes the risk of cancer / Attachment
Consumer exposure to inorganic arsenic in food raises a health concern according to the conclusions of EFSA’s latest risk assessment of this contaminant. The finding confirms the outcome of EFSA’s pre... more

Food safetyTKPlate: the platform that predicts the toxicity of substances is coming
The device was born from the work of Jean-Lou Dorne and Jose Cortiñas Abrahantes, two scientists from EFSA
A new platform for modelling and predicting the toxicity of chemicals and what happens to them inside humans and animals marks an important milestone on the road to a future with less or no animal testing... more

Food safetyAntibiotics in foods: an instrumental controversy
In fact, EU rules are always scrupulously applied
If there is one risk that European consumers do not run, it is that of absorbing antibiotics from the foods they eat. To protect them are the strict rules of the European Union which set a period of time... more

Food safetyGlyphosate. EFSA: "No areas of critical concern"
Green light for the use of the pesticide, whose European authorization would have expired in December
EFSA did not identify any critical areas of concern in its peer review of the risk assessment of the active substance glyphosate in relation to the risk it poses to humans and animals or the environment.... more

Food safetyInsect food: seventh customs clearance by EFSA
The moths of the "Tenebrio molitor" flour judged "safe food" by the European scientific agency
The European Union continues to clear additional insect-based products through its main bodies. The latest opinion expressed by the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) offers green light to the dust treated... more

Food safetyFood contaminants: new EU regulation on limits
The legislation establishes the maximum levels for each substance and for each food /Annex
Less contaminants in food. This is what the new regulation of the European Commission, n° 915/2023, prescribes which, once it came into force on 25 May 2023, will replace the previous regulation n° 1881/2006. T... more

Food safetySynthetic food: EFSA opinion awaited
Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow a round table in the presence of industry experts
A two-day scientific roundtable to gather views and food for thought from leading scientific personalities, representatives of European, international and national agencies, technology companies and food... more

Food safetyEFSA notes an increase in the use of illegal pesticides, which end up in food
According to the latest report, the overrun has risen from 1.4% to 2.1% in three years /Attachment
A total of 87,863 food samples were collected in the European Union in 2021. Analysis of the results shows that 96.1% of samples fell within legally permitted levels. For the subset of 13,845 samples analysed... more

Food safetyEfsa: bisphenol A a health risk
The substance is often found in plastic food and beverage containers
Exposure to bisphenol A (Bpa) through food is a cause of concern for the health of consumers of all age groups. After a careful evaluation of the scientific evidence and in the light of the contributions... more

Food safetyNitrosamines in food: cancer risk and DNA damage?
An EFSA report warns in particular about meat-based products /Annex
Consumer exposure to nitrosamines, compounds that can form in food during its preparation and processing, raises a health concern. This is the finding of EFSA’s assessment on the public health risk related t... more

Food safetyMineral hydrocarbons in food: EFSA launches consultation
Some substances belonging to this group could be harmful to human health
EFSA experts have provisionally concluded that saturated hydrocarbons of mineral oils (MOSH) do not pose a problem for human health, confirming however that some substances belonging to this group, known... more

Food safetyThe color label rejects 85% of DOP and IGP
Traditional made in Italy products, whose recipe cannot be changed
From extra virgin olive oil to Parmigiano Reggiano, from Parma ham to gorgonzola up to Varzi salami are just some of the made in Italy products at the table rejected without appeal by the color label that... more

Food safetyArgentina declares health alert for African swine fever
The authority for health and food quality strengthens safety measures
And in Italy Sardinia, where there have been no more outbreaks for some time, is asking the EU to lift those restrictions that are no longer necessary and which today damage the typical quality products of the island. more

Food safetyEU modifies maximum cadmium levels in some food products
Commission regulation published in the Official Journal
On 11 August 2021 the Commission regulation (EU) 2021/1323 was published in the Official Journal. This modifies regulation (EC) no. 1881/2006 as regards the maximum levels of cadmium in some food products.... more

Food safetyEurope puts transparency and consumer protection back at the center
Confeuro asks this, questioning the neutrality and the procedures followed by EFSA on pesticides
Transparency and impartiality are essential requirements in the field of food safety, declares Andrea Michele Tiso, national president of Confeuro, the Confederation of European and world farmers. "The... more

Food safetyEfsa report on pesticide residues in Europe has been published
Agrofarma: Italy European excellence for controls and quantities
"We are deeply proud, our country proves once again to be at the top in Europe - and therefore in the international panorama - for the levels of food safety, confirmed by the results achieved in terms... more

Food safetyEfsa, new agency regulation is operative
More accessibility and transparency on studies and research presented by industries
The new EFSA regulation, approved in 2019 by the European Parliament and the Council of the EU, entered into force on 27 March: the aim is to strengthen the capacity of the European Food Safety Authority... more

Food safetyMeats increasingly safer and without drug residues
Confirmation from the latest EFSA report/Attachment
According to the latest report by EFSA, the European food safety authority, residues of veterinary drugs and contaminants in animals and food of animal origin maintain a high level of compliance with respect... more

Food safetyItaly to set the stage for UN Food Systems Summit
The event will take in July
The United Nations and the Government of Italy announced today that the Pre-Summit gathering for the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit will be in Rome, Italy from July 19 to July 21, 2021. Under the leadership... more

Food safetyEFSA launch the campaign to remind the European food safety system benefit
#EUandMyFood – promoting the value of EU food safety
EFSA, the EU Member States and the European Commission are jointly launching a campaign called #EUandMyFood. The aim is to remind EU citizens how we all benefit from the European food safety system that... more

Food safetyEFSA. Dioxins and related PCBs
Tolerable intake level updated
EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) has confirmed the conclusion of previous assessments that dietary exposure to dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs –environmental pollutants present at low levels in food a... more

Food safetyLabel: EU Commission doubly in default
The "nutrient profiles" on which the UK traffic light label system is based should be abolished
"The European Parliament approved with 402 yes and 285 no a resolution, that call on the Commission to revise the concept of nutrient profiles, also in view of their possible overcoming. These are the... more

Food safetyLabel information: Italian Federalimentare critics the British traffic light system
Mr. Scordamaglia (Italian Food Industry): "We are in favour of a shared European system"
"I believe that the whole agri-food supply chain, in terms of agricultural and industrial production, would achieve better results and would be more effective if we would share morecommon battles and joint... more

Food safetyEfsa confirms health concerns for hydroxyanthracene derivatives in food
Extracts containing them are used in food supplements for their laxative effect
Some substances belonging to a group of plant ingredients known as hydroxyanthracene derivatives can damage Dna and may cause cancer more

Food safetyCommission assists Member States to identify and act against dual quality of food products
Issued today a set of guidelines on the application of EU food and consumer laws to dual quality products
The guidelines will help national authorities to determine whether a company is breaking EU laws when selling products of dual quality in different countries more