44 news found

HealthSanpellegrino Observatory: Hydration Promotes Good Mood
An optimal balance promotes the production of neurotransmitters linked to psychological well-being
Drinking water is not only a physiological necessity, but also a powerful ally for mental well-being. The brain, which is approximately 75% water, depends on a correct water balance to function optimally.... more

HealthMenopause. Nestlé Health Science: The 9 Essential Amino Acids to Maintain Well-Being
A healthy and balanced diet, with the right amount of proteins, can mitigate the most common ailments.
Menopause is a new phase of life, to be lived with awareness and serenity. However, some symptoms such as loss of muscle tone, fatigue, hot flashes and fragile bones can slow down the daily rhythm of many... more

HealthHealthy Nutrition: “Accuracy and Transparency of Information Necessary”
Event by the Italian Embassy and Ice in Bern highlights the counterproductive effects of the Nutriscore
Eating is a rewarding and engaging experience that combines taste, interpersonal relationships, culture, tradition and well-being. It is therefore not appropriate to reduce it to a mere intake of calories... more

HealthNestlé: Bioactive Nutrients Discovered to Support Longevity
Study Published on Preventing Age-Related Muscle Decline /Attachment
As the world’s population continues to age, it is more important than ever to understand the mechanisms behind aging. In this regard, Nestlé is exploring science-based nutritional solutions for specific ag... more

HealthNestlé /2. Materna: new nutritional solutions for pregnancy and fertility
Products aimed at alleviating recurring related symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting
Nestlé has introduced two new nutritional solutions, Materna Pre and Materna Nausea, designed to support female fertility and relieve some of the pregnancy-related symptoms that women may experience,... more

HealthSupplements. Italy records: 30 million have used them in the last year
At a national level, the sector boasts sales of almost 300 thousand tons and a turnover of 4.5 billion euros
A healthy sector that looks to the future, focusing on innovation and research. And that hopes for a harmonized regulation at European level for food supplements to make Italian companies increasingly... more

HealthNestlé supports balanced diets
Symposium in Lausanne reiterates need to rethink impact of nutrition on health
The debate about nutrition and health is constantly evolving. This includes not only the need to focus on the impact of individual nutrients, but also to consider the broader context of balanced meals... more

HealthSanpellegrino Observatory: physical exercise and hydration, a winning combination
Ideal waters for athletes are mineral waters with a fixed residue exceeding 1500 mg per litre
Water is essential for life and for maintaining the general state of health of the body, especially during sports, since the body loses liquids through sweating, making it necessary to replenish them to... more

HealthNestle: milk with less saturated fat is a reality
Group researchers develop a method that reduces them by 60%
Developing new science-based solutions to improve the nutritional value, accessibility and sustainability of its products is a key pillar for Nestlé. This includes reducing added sugars, sodium and saturated... more

HealthNestlè expands the range to support mothers
Supplements, multivitamins and other products to strengthen the Materna line
Maternal health, the health of women before, during and after pregnancy, is a critical stage of many women's lives. During pregnancy, a third of women worldwide experience anaemia due to iron deficiency,... more

HealthSan Daniele ham is ideal for conscious eating
The Consortium confirms the nutritional qualities of the PDO, which in 2023 had a turnover of 360 million Euro
It is called "mindful eating", that is, a conscious diet and nothing else but a way of eating that provides for the full presence of oneself, without distractions and maintaining a balanced and non-judgmental... more

HealthEfsa: avian flu at historic lows in Europe since 2019/2020
Cases are still decreasing but maximum surveillance is recommended for the next flu season
Europe has recorded the lowest number of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) cases in poultry and wild birds since 2019/2020 and the risk to the general population remains low. These are the main... more

HealthHigh School Diploma. Sanpellegrino Observatory: students drink at least eight glasses of water a day
Hydration helps improve concentration and short-term memory
As final exams approach, students are faced with a period of great stress and cognitive effort. To adequately prepare for these school tests, a lot of study and great commitment are essential, but it is... more

HealthNutriplate by Nestlé: sedentary lifestyle to be avoided, starting from childhood
Ideas for improving nutrition and promoting physical activity in children
Too often it is the children themselves who prefer to stay at home, and are more familiar with the TV/Tablet/Mobile-Sofa combination rather than exploring the healthy potential of their body. This does... more

HealthInsomnia. Nestlé Research: a bioactive mixture as an antidote
The discovery was made together with researchers from the National University of Singapore Sleep Center
A study carried out by Nestlé Research, the Research Center based in Lausanne, Switzerland, together with the National University of Singapore Sleep Center, has given rise to an exceptional discovery.... more

HealthWorld Diabetes Day: sweeteners (in certain cases) useful
3.9 million Italians suffer from the disease. The Unione Italiana Food survey suggests remedies
There are 3.9 million, or 6.6% of the population, Italians who suffer from diabetes. In recent years, treatments and awareness of the best ways to manage this disease have made great strides. There are... more

HealthCoffee: an ally against type 2 diabetes
According to a study, consuming 3-4 cups a day would reduce the risk by 25%.
What is the ideal number of coffees per day? There are those who cannot drink any at all, others can take up to almost ten cups a day, with no apparent consequences, neither on sleep, nor on the liver,... more

HealthAvian vaccine: EFSA opinion expected for March 2024
From the EU Commission a request for feedback on the effectiveness against currently circulating viruses
On the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) front, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) will issue a new scientific opinion, which is expected to be finalized in March 2024. The European Commission... more

HealthFruit and vegetables: WHO recommends 400 g per day
The updated guidelines of the UN body on fats, sugars, carbohydrates and fibres
The World Health Organization has updated its guidelines on total fat, saturated fat and trans fat, and carbohydrates, based on the latest scientific evidence.The three new guidelines (saturated fatty... more

Health"Buongiorno con Nutripiatto" awarded as "Excellence in Life Science"
Italian Nestlé project awarded for "Best Marketing Education Program of the Year" category
Over 250,000 children reached thanks to local events, spontaneous requests for the kit by families and initiatives carried out together with nutritionists, paediatricians and schools: this is the success... more

HealthFruits and vegetables rich in flavonols help memory
The results of a study by Columbia University and Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard
Do you want to keep a good memory even in old age? Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, especially if they are rich in flavonol antioxidants. Taking epicatechins improves memory by up to 16%. This is what... more

HealthVongole e prosciutto cotto nel mirino del ministero della Salute
Richiamati lotti Giò Mare per livelli di e.coli superiori ai limiti di legge
Altri richiami da parte del ministero della Salute relativamente a prodotti che potrebbero presentare problematiche allergeniche non evidenti. Oggi sono caduti sotto la lente del ministero alcuni lotti... more

HealthEFSA: veterinary drug residues in sharp decline (0.17%)
In the framework of the countries of the European Union, it is the lowest figure in the last twelve years
Residues of veterinary drugs and other substances found in animals and animal-derived food continue to decline in the European Union and compliance levels are on the rise, the latest data reveals.EFSA’s a... more

HealthA targeted diet reduces stress and anxiety
The role of psychobiotics under the lens of a research by the Edmund Mach Foundation
The virtuous combination of lifestyle and nutrition affects people's mental health. The confirmation comes from an international study coordinated by University College Cork (Ireland), in which the Edmund... more

HealthCoffee is good for you, say six out of ten dieticians
According to EFSA, the correct daily dose is estimated to be between three and five cups a day
Drinking coffee in moderation brings benefits to our body. Almost two-thirds of European dieticians claim it according to what emerges from a recent survey by the European Federation of Associations of... more

HealthWorld Food Safety Day: #EUChooseSafeFood is back
The campaign promoted by EFSA, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health
Objective: to encourage citizens to reflect critically on their daily food choices. more

HealthAnimal husbandry and the new CAP 2023-2027, between critical issues and opportunities
Interview with Paolo Sani, General Manager Italy Msd Animal Health
The Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies presented in Brussels the National Strategic Plan (Psn) for the implementation of the CAP 2023-2027 which puts in place a unitary strategy of our... more

HealthPlant based diets: the impact (not always positive) on health and on environment
The World Health Organization study/Annex
Nowadays, more and more vegetable substitutes for dairy products and meats are present on the shelves of supermarkets and even the vegan diet is making its way through the habits of different consumers.... more

HealthIs alcohol carcinogenic? Thinking about the warnings on label
It could happen in Canada, like for cigarettes. But the industry does not agree...
The topic is really much debated: according to a recent study published by the journal The Lancet Oncology, alcohol plays an important role in cancer risk. What's more: although more than 7,000 cases of... more

HealthWine and cancer/2: Federvini protest for EU reports
"It is serious to say that there is no safe level of alcohol"
Federvini considers the affirmation, contained in the report voted yesterday by the Beca Commission, that "there is no safe level of alcohol consumption", as "the scientific data supporting this assertion... more

HealthLactose intolerance: true or false?
Survey by the Grana Padano observatory reveals that 31% of Italians do not consume any type of milk
Lactose intolerance is often imagined and not real. The only way to verify it is to undergo the Hydrogen Breath Test, performed in a hospital setting. On the other hand, proposals for unscientific tests... more

HealthAntimicrobial resistance: what is the risk of spread through animal transport?
EFSA's scientific opinion is expected to be completed by September 2022
EFSA has undertaken a new scientific assessment to examine the risk of spreading bacteria resistant to antimicrobials during the transport of animals. The assessment, requested by the European Parliament's... more

HealthANA: refrigerant for cooling meals and drinks on board aircraft
Adopted for several days by the Japanese airline
All Nippon Airways (Ana), a Japanese airline, has recently adopted a new way to cool meals and drinks on board on all domestic flights, to reduce CO2 emissions and operating costs.In Ana, the dry ice traditionally... more

HealthHere are the fitness trends of the 2021 holidays according to Ieg
No "holidays" for healthy eating, wellness and sport
Power and mall walking, woga and stand up paddle among the trends for mental and physical training waiting for Riminiwellness, from 24 to 26 September, in the Rimini exhibition center and on the Riviera more

HealthWorld Week Reduction in Food Consumption of Salt
Promoted by the World Action on Salt & Health, March 8-14, 2021
The Ministry of Health informs that the World Awareness Week for the reduction of salt food consumption takes place from 8 to 14 March, promoted by the World Action on Salt & Health (WASH), an association... more

HealthKolinpharma (nutraceuticals): more medical prescriptions in the 4th trim
Sales of food supplements increased in December (+7% in volume and +11% in value)
Kolinpharma, an innovative SME listed on the Aim segment of the Italian Stock Exchange, in the fourth quarter of 2020 confirmed the positive growth trend of medical prescriptions, equal to n. 130,361,... more

HealthEU towards a "healthy" turn
Alarmist labels are foreseen on wine, such as for cigarettes
Made in Italy at risk due to cancellation of funds for the promotion of meat, cured meats and wine more

HealthUkko: funding to fight food allergies
$ 40 million led by Leaps by Bayer
Ukko, a biotech company with the mission to eliminate food allergies and sensitivities, today announced USD 40 million in new Series B funding. Ukko harnesses artificial intelligence (AI) and protein engineering... more

Studies and researchAnxiety, stress and sleep disorders
How the microbiome affects our mental health
Research agreement signed between Fem, University of Southampton and OptiBiotix Health to explore the beneficial effects of the microbiome more

HealthEfsa deems yellow mealworms safe for human consumption
The approval would lead the sale of food products derived from insects in EU
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has deemed yellow mealworms safe for human consumption, paving the way for insect-derived food products to be sold across Europe. The announcement marks a significant... more

HealthPalforzia of Aimmune is the first treatment for peanut allergy in the EU
Approved the use of the biological drug, developed by Nestlé health science company
The European Commission has approved the use of Palforzia (defatted powder of Arachis hypogaea L.) for the treatment of peanut allergy in the European Union (EU). Developed by Aimmune Therapeutics, Inc.,... more

ForeignNestlé takes over the majority of Mindful Chef
Company producing nutritionally balanced ready meals in the UK
Nestlé announced the acquisition of a majority stake in the British company Mindful Chef in a move to strengthen its direct-to-consumer offering in the UK and Ireland. Founded in 2015, Mindful Chef offers... more

HealthEducation in Nutrition big assent in the Curricula of EU Doctors
ESPEN launches the European "Manifesto" to fill the training gap
ESPEN (European Nutrition Society) launched the "Manifesto for the implementation of nutrition education", in Nice, during the ESPEN-NEMS (Nutrition Education in Medical Schools Initiative) meeting. Nutrition... more

HealthEfsa reviews safety of glutamates added to food
The acceptable daily intake is 30 mg/kg body weight per day for all six of these additives
Efsa has established a safe intake level for glutamic acid and glutamates used as food additives after re-evaluating their safety. The Authority also concluded that estimated dietary exposure to glutamic... more