Quadrivio and Pambianco, start raising for Made in Italy Fund II
Fund also invests in wine companies with high margin for development

The joint venture between Quadrivio and Pambianco launches Made in Italy Fund II, the second private equity fund dedicated to the world of lifestyle and Italian excellence. The new vehicle will have a funding target of € 500 million and, as with Made in Italy Fund I, the investment strategy will be aimed at monitoring the main trends in the fashion, beauty, design and wine sectors. Target are realities with high margin for development and strongly devoted to internationalization.
While Made in Italy Fund I is beginning to organize the exit phase of the companies involved, the collection of Made in Italy Fund II has started, which will focus on the same sectors as the first fund, with the possibility of experimenting with new lifestyle segments but with a focus on larger companies with a direct presence abroad as well.
The target investors include a mix of institutional players, individuals and family offices ready to join the Quadrivio and Pambianco network. The team, composed of managing partners David Pambianco, Alessio Candi, Alessandro Binello, Walter Ricciotti and Mauro Grange, will be strengthened with the inclusion of a French partner to expand the fund's activity beyond the Alps. France is in fact, with Italy, a world leader in the fashion, beauty and wine sectors.
"The Made in Italy I fund has shown the ability to sense the potential of budding companies capable of then imposing themselves on the market, through internal growth, enhancing expertise, sharing know-how and skills and through acquisitions or add-ons by speeding up their growth path -explains David Pambianco, managing partner of the new Made in Italy II fund-. Therefore, it came natural to us and our partners at Quadrivio to think about launching a second fund, which would continue the philosophy of the first one but with an even larger financial endowment. Our peculiarity is to be the only player that by size and professionalism that meets the needs of SMEs that need to be enhanced".
Made in Italy Fund I, launched in 2018 by Quadrivio & Pambianco, has raised € 300 million and in five years has acquired 11 companies. Among them, in the wine segment, Prosit and Xtrawine stand out. The former, the Prosit wine group, closed 2022 with a turnover of about 90 million euros, recording an important role of exports that stands at 59 percent.
The second, an online platform for the sale of wines established in 2008, filed 2021 at 13.6 million euros (+26%), while orders increased by 15%: about 900 thousand bottles were sold with an average cart value of 229.82 euros, which corresponds to a 9.8% growth in the average cart value year-on-year (with an average price per bottle of 15.95 euros).
EFA News - European Food Agency