Ecomondo: a record-breaking fair
In Rimini, from 7 to 10 November, the largest of the 26 editions of the "green" exhibition will take place

Over 1,500 brands, up 10% compared to 2022, on over 150 thousand gross square meters. Over 300 buyers confirmed for a full immersion in cutting-edge sustainable technologies.
The one scheduled in Riminifiera from 7 to 11 November 2023 will be the record-breaking fair: completely cashless, with a maximum level of matching between supply and demand, usable both in person and through the various online media. The 26th edition of Ecomondo will, however, above all be the largest ever. The numbers and contents of the Rimini event were illustrated today at the national headquarters of Unioncamere in Rome, a stone's throw from Porta Pia.
Ieg CEO Corrado Peraboni highlighted the three "i"s that characterize the vision of Ecomondo 2023: innovation, internationality and inclusion. As for the second "i", this year the event held the Chengdu International Environmental Protection Expo in China in March and, in April, the second edition of Ecomondo Mexico. Now the focus is on the North American market, driven by the US administration's IRA plan, and we are looking "carefully at Africa, which since last year's African Ministerial Conference on the Environment has begun to look at the circular economy as a factor of development for the continent. We will do it with an inclusive spirit: seizing the opportunities, broadening the results", said Peraboni .
For her part, Alessandra Astolfi , global exhibition director Green & Technology Division of Ieg, illustrated the great progress of Ecomondo, which, in a quarter of a century of activity, "has always anticipated the technological trends of the industry to public, European and international policies nationals. The 2023 edition - explained Astolfi - will see over 1,500 brands exhibiting, up 10% compared to 2022, on over 150 thousand gross square meters of exhibition. Over 300 confirmed buyers, thanks to the important support of the ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (Maeci) and of Ice Agency. While the calendar of conferences and seminars is divided into eight sections mirroring the exhibition ones, for a total of 60 events in over 200 hours".
Fabio Fava , president of the Technical Scientific Committee of Ecomondo and professor of Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology at the School of Engineering of the University of Bologna, spoke via video link. "With 80 events for over 200 hours of very high level content - said Fava - Ecomondo provides information and training for national and international players in the circular and regenerative economy".
An "event within the event" of Ecomondo will be the States General of the green economy: in this regard, the president of the Sustainable Development Foundation and former Minister of the Environment Edo Ronchi has announced a debate on the "decarbonised economy", drawing attention to the "costs" that the green transition inevitably entails and on the measures capable of reducing them.
The speeches were closed by the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security Gilberto Pichetto Fratin . Ecomondo, he said, is "a true reference on all environmental and energy issues and represents that look at the future, on technologies, on the best practices that are vital to achieving climate objectives. The ministry, with its dedicated space and many initiatives – concluded Pichetto – he will not fail to make a contribution to this story of an excellent Italy ready to affirm its leadership".
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