EFA News - European Food Agency
4,764 news found

Economy and financeSouth Africa: food security at risk due to water and energy shortages
Revise zero-rate basket, calls for nation's largest poultry producer
Deepening crisis plunges industry into: in the impossibility of water and electricity supplies, it will become arduous to grow maize and soybeans for feed for local poultry, the country's primary source... more

Studies and researchBugs? Young people like them but not women
Entomophagy is more accepted in countries such as Mexico and China, much less so in Europe (Italy and Belgium foremost)
Potential insect consumers tend to be young and male. This is the finding of a study published in the journal Plos One and conducted by the Universities of Pisa, Parma, Ghent in Belgium, Cornell in the... more

Economy and financeDown with Tyson, world's second-largest meat producer
U.S. brand ends first quarter with net profits slumped from $1.12 billion to $316 million
It is one of the first U.S. brands to have participated in the testing and marketing of test tube meat in the United States (see article Test tube meat, first okay from U.S. Fda). Now, however, Tyson Foods,... more

ForeignSouth Africa /2: the food crisis is around the corner...
The agricultural world is asking for concessions for the supply of petrol and diesel
The country at risk in the next 24 months, and the Russo-Ukrainian war contributes to bringing the agricultural sector to its knees, also a source of products intended for animal feed more

ForeignSouth Africa: food security at risk due to lack of water and energy
Review the zero-interest basket, asks the largest national poultry producer
The crisis into which the industry falls is deepening: in the absence of water and electricity supplies it will become difficult to cultivate corn and soybeans for feed intended for local poultry, the main source of protein in the country more

Economy and financeFine wine: Sotheby's closes with €121 million
Auction sales up 9 percent over 2022, according to an analysis
Fine wine also holds sway at auctions. This is reported in an analysis by the Pambianco Observatory on the wine sector. The study highlights how for the sector, 2022 was "a wonderful year for fine wine,"... more

Economy and financeDanone opens new research and innovation center in Paris
Five floors and 900 sqm for Daniel Carasso hub
Following the appointment of the three new deputy directors and the change in the French company's management structure (see article Shake-up at Danone) and the sale of some brands (see article Danone... more

Cheese and dairy productsGranarolo, a key player in important trade fairs 2023
Foreign sales in 2022 accounted for 38% of the Group's sales, up year on year
Granarolo SpA returns as a protagonist to some of the most relevant international trade fairs in the agri-food sector scheduled in 2023 in Europe, Asia and the Americas, to promote its products of excellence... more

Economy and financeDanone opens a new research and innovation center in Paris
Five floors and 900 m2 for the Daniel Carasso centre
After the appointment of the three new deputy directors and the change in the managerial structure of the French company and the sale of some brands, now the multinational French del food officially opens... more

WinesFine wine: Sotheby's closes with 121 million euros
According to an analysis, auction sales are up 9% compared to 2022
The fine wine also holds the table in auctions. This was reported by an analysis by the Pambianco Observatory on the wine sector. The study highlights how 2022 was "a wonderful year for fine wine" for... more

Studies and researchBugs, young people like them but not women
Entomophagy is more accepted in countries such as Mexico and China, much less in Europe
The results of a research conducted by four universities on three continents have been published, including the universities of Pisa and Parma. more

Cheese and dairy productsGranarolo star of the most important fairs in the world in 2023
Sales abroad in 2022 represented 38% of Group turnover, growing year on year
Granarolo SpA returns as a protagonist at some of the most important international exhibitions in the agri-food sector scheduled for 2023 in Europe, Asia and the Americas, to promote its excellent products... more

ForeignArgentina: the agricultural machinery market is flourishing again
2023 begins with a growth of 16.7% compared to last year
Argentina started 2023 recording a growth of 16.7% (compared to 2022), in the registrations of new agricultural machinery. A surprising figure, reports the Argentinean Infocampo, given the collapse of... more

ForeignJapan heading for a major distribution crisis
Driver shortage will put delivery of 35 percent of goods in 2030 at risk
According to a report by Japan's Nomura Research Institute, Japan is heading for a serious distribution crisis caused by a shortage of truck and truck drivers. A shortage caused by new regulations governing... more

Cheese and dairy productsSaputo closes three plants in the United States
Over 220 million euros for the reorganization of the dairy farm of the family that in Italy owns Bologna Football
Permanent closure of three plants, construction of a new packing site and expansion of stretched cheese manufacturing operations. These are the three drivers of the US reorganization of Saputo Inc, the... more

Economy and financeIreland insists on anti-alcohol labels, Rome holds back
The Ministry of Health confirms that in "2 or 3 months" it will be able to initiate the law
Ireland is going its own way with regards to the idea of integrating health indications on possible harm into alcohol labels, and Italy is preparing for a battle on all possible fronts in order to limit... more

Government actsFood Safety Summit: Rome will host it from 24 to 26 July
Tajani: "Extraordinary result for Italy, we will do our part in achieving the 2030 Agenda"
Italy will host the Food Safety Summit from 24 to 26 July 2023. Heads of state and government and ministers of the 193 member countries of the United Nations will be welcomed in Rome. The Italian proposal,... more

Economy and financeHershey closes out one of the strongest years ever
Revenue 2022 at $10.4 billion up 16.1 percent and sales up 12 percent
Hershey Company, one of the world's chocolate giants, today announced its results for the fourth quarter and full year 2022 ended Dec. 31. Just a few items suffice to highlight that we are talking about... more

Economy and financeCNH, delisting from Piazza Affari and record results in 2022
The Exor tractor factory remains listed only in New York: last year revenues up 26.7%
Cnh Industrial leaves Piazza Affari. The tractor group of the Exor galaxy has announced its intention to proceed with the delisting from Borsa Italiana by the beginning of 2024. The group will remain listed... more

Government actsEU cracks down on pesticides to protect bees
From the EC new rules to lower the maximum levels of two neonicotinoids in food
The European Commission has adopted new rules which, once enforced, will lower the maximum residue levels of two pesticides in food. Evaluations by EFSA, the European Food Safety Authority, have in fact... more

Economy and financeEIB, Italy first EU country for green loans
In 2022, 55% of total resources disbursed to our country for the fight against climate change and environmental sustainability
In 2022 Italy was the first country for loans and resources managed by the EIB Group. This was stated in an official statement by the group made up of the European Investment Bank and the EIF, the European... more

Studies and researchMunich throws a poisoned apple at Val Venosta
In a study, the Umweltinstitut München accuses producers in South Tyrol of uninterrupted use of banned pesticides
The one launched by the Umweltinstitut München, the environmental institute of Munich in Alto Adige, or even better in Val Venosta, is a sort of "poison apple". In fact, the Bavarian institute accuses... more

NewsIs the BSE back?
New case on a farm in the Netherlands. Still to be verified whether it is an atypical or classic type of BSE
It hadn't been talked about for years now. That is, until a new case of mad cow disease emerged from the Netherlands. Not many details are available at the moment, except that the infection was found on... more

Studies and researchCrisis drives investment in agritech
As many as 797 agri and foodtech startups raised $ 10.66 billion in 2022: trend confirmed for 2023 as well
Investors have become more cautious in 2022, but the agritech sector has performed significantly better than others, especially in Europe. In short, the Old Continent is proving to be a key market in terms... more

WinesWine Oscar 2022 goes to Abruzzo
Italian region receives prestigious Wine Star Awards in San Francisco
Abruzzo is the wine region of 2022. The award was bestowed at the Wine Star Awards, in San Francisco, and is given by the international magazine Wine Enthusiast to the most interesting wine regions in... more

ZootechnyChina: cloned three "super cows"
Beijing's goal is to drastically reduce cattle imports
It's time for cattle cloning in China. From Beijing comes news of three "super cows" capable of producing an exceptional amount of milk, all three successfully cloned. Chinese state media report this,... more

DessertsBakery: Ferrero acquires Fresystem
Company specializing in frozen, sweet and savory baked goods
Strengthening in foodservice for the Ferrero Group, which today announced the acquisition of Fresystem, an Italian company that is a market leader in the "Italian breakfast" frozen bakery sector, known... more

Economy and financeDole sells its vegetable division to Chiquita
The deal is worth approximately $ 293 million
Dole sells its fresh vegetable division to a subsidiary of Fresh Express, a subsidiary of Chiquita Brands International. The deal is worth approximately $293 million and is subject to "some adjustments."With... more

DessertsWorld Nutella Day: 16 years of 'social' celebrations
Sunday 5 February the virtual global event is renewed to share stories and recipes
The rendez vous with the World Nutella Day is renewed next Sunday. Nutella's supporters and fans from all over the world will unite to celebrate World Nutella Day, gathering on social media to share their... more

ZootechnyUsa: cattle down 3% in one year
The number of dairy cows increases but the calves decrease
There were 89.3 million head of cattle and calves on U.S. farms as of Jan. 1, 2023, according to the Cattle report published today by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics S... more

Economy and financeConsumer prices 2023: inflation in sharp decline
However, widespread tensions remain on the prices of processed food goods, and other goods and services /Annex
According to preliminary estimates, in January 2023 the rate of change of the Italian consumer price index for the whole nation (NIC) was +0.2% on monthly basis and +10.1% on annual basis (from +11.6%... more

Catering and hospitalityEataly appoints new Group Chief Commercial Officer
Alberto Colombo will have to support the improvement and development plan of the group
Alberto Colombo is the new Group Chief Commercial Officer of Eataly. By this role "he will be responsible for marketing, purchasing, operation, B2B, franchising and partnership activities. His role - explains... more

Fruit and vegetablesApofruit: a fair dedicated to the new products
The cooperative will be present at Fruit Logistica with a renewed stand, together with all the companies of the Group
The Apofruit Italia cooperative arrives at Fruit Logistica 2023, with a stand that promises to be full of novelties. During the most important international fair dedicated to the world of fruit and vegetables,... more

Government actsUE takes stock after a month of the new CAP
Commissioner Wojciechowski says he is convinced that the Member States have drawn up effective strategic plans
"Today ends the first month of the new CAP: it is a good time to take stock of where we are and where we are going". This was stated by the European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Janusz... more

Government actsEnvironment: competencies at European level need to be reviewed
Request from the agriculture Ministers of 16 member States to the EU Council
The division of responsibilities at EU Council level on proposals concerning the environment and the primary sector needs to be reviewed in order to strengthen the role of agriculture ministers. This is... more

Economy and financeMcDonald's ends year on a high note thanks to pricing policy
2022 revenue at $23.2 billion, net income of $6.17 billion
McDonald's has beaten Wall Street estimates on quarterly profit. The U.S. burger giant announced it ended the fourth quarter with net income of $ 1.9 billion (or $ 2.59 per share), up from $ 1.64 billion... more

Studies and researchThe mozzarella di Bufala campana POD sector grows
From 2016 to 2022 production up 26%, exports +9% in 2022: fears over inflation and price increases
The mozzarella di bufala campana POD cheese sector is growing, although it shows it is paying something due to the difficult economic situation of the past year. Mozzarella di bufala campana turns out... more

Ice creamUnilever unveils first sweet and sour popsicle
Marketed in Uk and Ireland by Wall's, the Algida brand from across the Channel, it contains real fruit juice
Unilever introduces the first "sweet and sour" popsicle. It is called Twister Fruit Zingerrr and has just been launched by Wall's, the British brand of Italian Algida (whose Viennetta, Magnum and Cornetto... more

Economy and financeClabo showcases an upbeat 2022
The company that serves bakeries and cafes closed with revenues up 15.8 percent. Good performance in the U.S.
Consolidated revenues of 58.8 million euros, up 15.8 percent from the previous year, and sales of 51.4 million euros, up 16.2 percent. These are the highlights of the 2022 financial statements of Clabo,... more

WinesItalian Wine Brands first Italian wine group by size
The company closes 2022 with pro-forma consolidated sales at +5.2% on the previous year
The Board of Directors of Italian Wine Brands SpA (IWB) has approved the consolidated revenues on an annual pro-forma basis for a total of Euro 430.4 million (+5.2% on 2021). The results achieved position... more

NewsAl Bano: "What do the Irish know about wine?"
The singer intervenes in the labeling debate: "An unacceptable nonsense"
Al Bano Carrisi strongly criticized the Irish initiative regarding wine labeling. The singer, who is also a wine producer in his hometown, Cellino San Marco (Br), entered the debate in an interview with... more

DessertsPastilles Leone's new life starts again from chocolate
The historic company, now owned by Barilla, doubles its Collegno (TO) plant and aims to triple sales in 5 years
The historic Turin-based Leone tablet company is reborn. Founded in 1857 and passed into the hands of Luca and Michela Barilla since 2018, it is now doubling its Collegno headquarters with a green factory... more

HealthCoffee is good for you, say six out of ten dieticians
According to EFSA, the correct daily dose is estimated to be between three and five cups a day
Drinking coffee in moderation brings benefits to our body. Almost two-thirds of European dieticians claim it according to what emerges from a recent survey by the European Federation of Associations of... more

PeopleHein Schumacher new CEO of Unilever
The former CEO of FrieslandCampina will replace the outgoing Alan Jope from 1 July 2023
Unilever has announced the appointment of Hein Schumacher as the company's next CEO. Schumacher , 51, married, father of three, he is currently managing director of global dairy and nutrition company Royal... more

WinesItalian direct farmers Association blesses the triple alliance on wine
In the EU one out of two bottles comes from Italy, France and Spain: rightly they are against alarmist labels
“The alliance between Italy, France and Spain is important and significant: together they represent almost one out of two bottles of wine, that is 47% produced in the world”. This is what the president of... more

Economy and financeWalmart increases wages in US hypermarkets
About 340 thousand employees in 3,000 stores will benefit
Walmart, the U.S. retail giant, has decided to increase the average hourly wage for workers in its stores starting next February. The new increases will bring the average hourly wage to $ 17.5 from the... more

IndustryCarraro (agricoltural machinery) expands in India
New plant inaugurated in Ranjangaon (Pune) for the production of gears
Carraro Group grows again in India. The Padua-based multinational agricultural and construction machinery company opens a new production area in the country. With the inauguration yesterday in the presence... more

IndustryDe' Longhi closes revenues 2022 down by 2%
Accounts weighed down by the bad performance of Europe
De' Longhi, a group listed on Euronext Milan and active in the small appliance sector dedicated to the world of coffee, cooking, air conditioning and home care, closed 2022 with consolidated revenues of... more

NewsA step forward for digital agriculture
FieldView and xFarm Technologies Platforms integrate for data collection
FieldView and xFarm Technologies have partnered to connect their respective platforms. The aim is to make sharing data easier for farmers and help consolidate and streamline farming operations. "By leveraging... more

NewsEurope. Ifoam's complaint: non-organic products passed off as "green"
The association sues the French ecological transition agency
Ifoam Organics Europe, the EU organic sector association, and its French affiliate are suing the Paris Ecological Transition Agency and a group of companies that use the "eco-score" label to denote eco-friendly... more