EFA News - European Food Agency
4,764 news found

Economy and financeAutogrill: preliminary figures as of 31 December 2021
The results of last year improved compared to guidance -ATTACHMENT
The Board of Directors of Autogrill SpA today reviewed and approved the preliminary consolidated revenue performance for the twelve months ended 31 December 2021. Preliminary figures as of 31 December... more

NewsThe Italian Nutrinform Battery label presented at the Italian Foreign Ministry
Patuanelli: "Information is one thing, conditioning is another"/ Video
"With the proposal of the Italian system of nutritional labeling, NutrInform, Italy intends to look to the future of European agri-food systems, since our country cannot accept the trend towards a model... more

Economy and financeThe Coca-Cola Company "resists" to a 2021 of uncertainties
Revenues up 17% to $ 38.7 billion
In 2021, the net revenues of the multinational The Coca-Cola Company increased by 17% to 38.7 billion dollars. "In 2021, our system has demonstrated resilience and flexibility in going through another... more

SustainabilityEqualitas certifies the Swedish Sustainable Choice
Sustainability standard promoted by the Systembolaget spirits monopoly
Among the standards, worldwide, results able to satisfy the parameters required by Systembolaget there is the “Sustainable Product” certification of Sopd Equalitas rev.4. more

FairsRoma Food Excel becomes an international fair
On 25 and 26 April it will host the world championship of pizza without borders
Roma Food Excel, the Rome fair dedicated to the food and wine sector scheduled from 24 to 27 April 2022 at Fiera Roma, has officially obtained the "international" qualification from the Lazio Region, regional... more

IndustryAr.pa Lieviti celebrates 50 years of history
An opportunity to define the projects for future: new products and an approach to new markets
A growing reality, specialized in yeasts and preparations for sweet and savory creations, this is Arpa Lieviti. The brothers Arcangelo and Paolo Fantazzini, in 1972 founded a small company in Ozzano Emilia,... more

Packaging and logisticsGuala Closures renews partnership with Vinexpo Paris 2022
From 14 to 16 February the eagerly awaited wine fair
Guala Closures, globally active in the production of aluminum and special closures, will present its latest innovations at the Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris 2022 fair to be held from 14 to 16 February at... more

ForeignIndia: Government lowers taxes on palm oil imports
A move to mitigate costs by helping the country's refineries and consumers
The Indian government has lowered taxes on imports of crude palm oil from 7.5 to 5 percent, in a move that attempts to mitigate costs by helping the country's refineries and consumers. With the reduction,... more

Oils and condimentsOil: Italy is once again the second producing country in the world
Despite the campaign below expectations, our country ranks behind Spain
Italy returns to the second step of the podium of world olive production for the 2021/2022 campaign. This was announced by Unaprol (Italian Olive Consortium) on the basis of official estimates released... more

FairsInnovation takes place at Macfrut
The specific areas dedicated to the fruit and vegetables of the future
Innovation in the fruit and vegetable sector protagonist at Macfrut 2022 in a specific dynamic area of over 1600 square meters. Appointment from 4 to 6 May at the Rimini Expo Center with a test field that... more

PeopleBasf: handover in the Agricultural Solutions division
Alessandro Oltramari is the new sales director for Italy
Transfer of deliveries within the Agricultural Solutions division of Basf Italia: starting from February the leadership of the sales department passed to Alessandro Oltramari, who replaces Angelo Stradiotti.... more

NewsLabels: Italy launches the alternative to Nutriscore
The Nutrinform Battery system will be officially presented on 15/2 to Farnesina
On 15 February, from 10.30, an event will be held at the International Conference Room of the Farnesina to present the "Nutrinform Battery" nutritional labeling scheme, proposed by Italy as part of the... more

NewsWine and cancer: the supply chain appeals to MEPs
Uiv: "Unscientific and harmful continuing to demonize alcoholic beverages"
“We believe it is unscientific and harmful continuing to demonize alcoholic beverages, especially wines, considering them as risk factors for cancer in and of themselves, given that the discriminant i... more

Catering and hospitalityO'Tacos lands in Italy
The first restaurant opens tomorrow, 11 February, inside RomaEst shopping center
Rome is the first step in an important development plan that will soon see the brand open in all major Italian cities. more

Studies and researchFrom synthetic meat to vegan foods: novel foods are worth $ 500B
Mediobanca dedicates a report to the nutraceutical market in Italy and in the world/Attachment
For the first time, the Mediobanca research area dedicated a report to the nutraceutical and novel food market, in Italy and around the world, with an in-depth analysis of its growth between now and 2027.... more

Economy and financeFerrero: global turnover reaches 12.7 billion euros
The Group has approved the consolidated financial statements at 31 August 2021
Ferrero International SA, parent company of the Ferrero Group, has approved the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 August 2021. The Group, of which Giovanni Ferrero is executive chairman... more

Catering and hospitalityGuangzhou Restaurant digitizes Likoufu Food Co
The brand promotes research and development and gets closer to consumer thanks Centric Software
Guangzhou Restaurant, a Cantonese food company, has implemented the Plm solution of Centric Software, a company that offers enterprise solutions for planning, designing, developing, purchasing and selling... more

Fruit and vegetablesSuperior Taste Award for Chiquita
The company receives recognition for the taste of its "naturally sweet" bananas
The International Taste Institute awarded Chiquita the Superior Taste Award for the taste and quality of its "naturally sweet" bananas. Founded in 2005, the Institute is made up of a team of food experts... more

WinesMasi: Enpaia Foundation acquires 4%
Purchase on the market. Control remains in the hands of the Boscaini family
Masi Agricola, listed on the stock exchange in the “Euronext Growth Milan” index, registered the entry into the capital, with a 4% stake, of the Enpaia Foundation - National Insurance and Assistance Bod... more

Economy and financeCdp Venture Capital invests in Quomi
The meal kit startup reaches the collection target of 900,000 euros for 2021
New growth prospects for Quomi, the Italian startup born from an idea of Andrea Bruno and Daniele Bruttini, which continues its growth path and closes the year with an investment round by Fondo Rilancio... more

PeopleFairs: Cancellara is the new general manager of IEG Usa
He will manage the development and the exhibition and congress business in North America
Italian Exhibition Group, the controlling holding of the Rimini and Vicenza Fairs, has appointed Tommaso Cancellara as the new general manager of Ieg Usa, a company that the exhibition and congress group... more

WinesJapan, a loyal market to Gallo Nero
Consumers continue to buy Chianti Classico, focusing above all on the premium ranges
Particularly sensitive to quality made in Italy, Japan has been a loyal market to Chianti Classico wine for many years. Furthermore, since February 2019 the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between... more

DessertsRed Baci arrive on Valentine's Day
The limited edition "Love and Passion" was born from the collaboration with Dolce&Gabbana
Continuing the collaboration with Dolce & Gabbana, which this year celebrates the centenary of Baci with special collections, Baci Perugina presents, on the occasion of Valentine's Day, its new limited... more

LiqueursAmaro Formidabile is now under the Pallini brand
Having bought the brand, the Roman group now follows its production and distribution
Pallini announces the purchase, production and distribution of Amaro Formidabile more

BeverageCarlsberg: a 2021 with sales "beyond expectations"
Expects lower organic growth in operating profit in 2022 than in 2021
The Danish brewery group Carlsberg has announced that it has achieved sales "above expectations" in the fourth quarter of 2021 and for 2022 it expects organic growth in operating profit below last year's... more

ForeignGhana: Accra announces development plan for poultry sector
Loan of $ 87 million. The country today produces just 2% of the national needs
The Ghanaian poultry sector struggles to develop mainly due to the high costs of animal feed: the current domestic poultry production in fact satisfies just 2% of the national needs, and the recent avian... more

NewsNutriscore. Demonized alcoholic beverages
Federvini: "They want to apply in the worst possible way a system that is discriminatory, penalising and fundamentally wrong"
“We learned with amazement and bewilderment the attempt to apply in the worst possible way a discriminatory, penalizing and fundamentally wrong system like the Nutriscore also to alcoholic beverages”, dec... more

PeopleRossopomodoro has a new CEO
Nicola Saraceno will carry on the company's growth strategy in Italy and abroad
Outgoing CEO Colombo leaves for other professional opportunities. The owners' gratitude for having successfully led the company through the terrible phase of the pandemic. more

NewsNutriscore, the madness of the black stamp on wine and spirits
Filiera Italia: "the Commission stops a definitively inadequate system"
"There is never an end to the worst, a system that increasingly plays just the game of multinational test-tube food", thus Luigi Scordamaglia, managing director of Filiera Italia, on the proposal launched... more

IndustryFederasalus joins Unionfood
More and more chemistry in food: Italy is the leading European producer of food supplements
The FederSalus Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting on 27 January 2022 approved the Plan for the merger by incorporation of the Association into Unione Italiana Food (Integrators Sector Italy): the 240... more

Government actsEU: Farm to Fork strategy aims at sustainable practices for crop and livestock production"
Kyriakides: "We don't want to set specific targets on consumption of animal proteins"
The answer to a parliamentary question by the MP Mara Bizzotto. more

SustainabilityCars: Meijer launches electric recharging in US's supermarkets
The grocery king announces the partnership with EVgo for stations from 100 to 350 kW
Meijer, one of the largest retail centers in North America, has opened its first charging stations for electric vehicles. The initiative is part of a partnership with the public fast-charging network EVgo,... more

NewsEU: Sri Lanka's first IGP product registered
The number of non-EU countries to have registered an Ig product in the European system has risen to 20
The registration of Ceylon Cinnamon PGI, the first Sri Lankan product included as a Protected Geographical Indication that will enjoy the protection offered by the European regulation of PDO PGI (EU Reg.... more

MeatsAmadori acquires 100% of Rugger (Lenti)
The historic Turin ham factory will contribute to the growth in the high-end range of cured meats
Amadori and the Lenti family conclude an operation for the transfer to the Group of 100% of Rugger Spa, a ham factory in Santena (To), a specialist in cooking meat and owner of the historic Lenti brand.... more

PeopleSustainable palm oil has a new president
Mauro Fontana will lead the Union for the next three years
The Italian Union for Sustainable Palm Oil ushers in the new year with the appointment of the new president, dr. Mauro Fontana , who will lead the Association for the next three years. Fontana, after a... more

AgrifoodEU-Japan agreement: 28 new European Igs recognized (5 Italian)
Approved the 2nd amendment on the anniversary of the bilateral APE agreement/Annex
1 February 2022 marked the third anniversary of the entry into force of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (Ape): this is the most important EU agreement so far regarding agri-food trade, including... more

NewsEurope cuts funds for the promotion of meats, cured meats and wine
Coldiretti and Filiera Italia: "Attack to Mediterranean diet"
"No to EU cuts on the promotion of wine and meat, hams and beer that undermine the Mediterranean diet and Made in Italy". This is the appeal of the president of Coldiretti Ettore Prandini and of the managing... more

SustainabilityCoca Cola in Italy enters in Coripet
"Important step in the sustainability strategy on packaging"
Coca-Cola Hbc Italia and Sibeg, the two companies that produce, bottle and distribute Coca-Cola brand products in Italy, join Coripet, the voluntary non-profit consortium whose mission is the collection... more

SustainabilityOrsero presents the first sustainability plan
4 strategic areas, 11 objectives and over 7 million euros of investment
The Orsero Group presents its first strategic sustainability plan, with medium / long-term objectives in line with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. The plan, approved... more

Studies and researchDnv launches new research and development unit
In Milan, with a focus on Food & Beverage
Dnv, an independent body that provides assurance, certification and verification services around the world, announces the creation of a new research and development unit: “Sustainable Food Systems and S... more

DistributionLongino & Cardenal: e-commerce grows "beyond expectations"
The launch of online is expected within the first half of the year, also in Dubai and Hong Kong
Longino & Cardenal SpA active in the research, selection and distribution of rare and precious foods, announces the performance of the e-commerce platform www.shoplongino.it. Launched in June 2020, e-commerce... more

SustainabilityAlpla and Coca-Cola Femsa give life to Planeta
A new PET bottle recycling plant in Mexico
Alpla has started work on the construction of a recycling plant in Mexico, which will have the capacity to process 50,000 tons of used PET bottles every year. More than 60 million dollars have been invested... more

Catering and hospitalityMcdDonald's closes 2021 with $ 23.2 billion in revenues (+ 21%)
Results higher than 2019. Net profit of 7.54 billion (+ 59%)
McDonald's returns to pre-Covid levels by closing 2021 with total revenues of $ 23.2 billion (+ 21%), and a net profit of 7.54 billion (+ 59%). Global sales on a comparable basis grew by 17% (and by 8%... more

DistributionEvoca (vending machine) rewards with new loyalty program
With the Breasy App, operators offer a personal program to their customers
News for all vending operators: thanks to Breasy, the free app powered by Newis (Evoca group) for machines equipped with the Hi! Cashless payment system, it is possible to launch promotions and loyalty... more

FairsParma Ham returns to exhibition in the United States
It will be present from 6 to 8 February at the Winter Fancy Food in Las Vegas
After a few years of hiatus imposed by the pandemic, Parma ham returns in the United States to participate in the Winter Fancy Food Show which will be held from 6 to 8 February exceptionally in Las Vegas.... more

FairsFieravicola Poultry Forum & B2B introduces itself
Appointment on February 2nd with the webinar on the first edition
The first edition of Fieravicola Poultry Forum & B2B will be presented online on the platform (Zoom) on February 2 at 11am. The Poultry Forum is an international event that will alternate with Fieravicola,... more

DistributionTop Employer 2022: Lidl Italia is confirmed among the best
Recognition awarded for the 6th consecutive year
Lidl Italia, a supermarket chain with 700 outlets in our country, has been awarded the Top Employer award for the sixth consecutive year. The award of the Top Employers Institute, is an international certification... more

IndustryMondelēz Int., A year to be framed
Revenues of $ 28.7 billion (+ 8%), net profit of 4.3 billion (+ 21%)
Mondelēz International - the American corporation of the Oreo, Milka, Toblerone, Cadbury, Philadelphia etc. brands. - presented the results of 2021 with strong growth numbers. Total net revenues amounted... more

PeopleMondelēz: an Italian at the head of European communication
Massimiliano Di Domenico will also manage institutional relations
Massimiliano Di Domenico is the new Vice President Corporate Communications and Government Affairs for Mondelēz International to lead the development of the communication strategy and institutional relations... more

PeopleNespresso Italia has a new general manager
Thomas Reuter will lead the strategic direction of the company
Nespresso announces the appointment of Thomas Reuter as new general manager for Italy. In his new role, Reuter will have the task of leading the strategic direction of the company among the leaders in... more