EFA News - European Food Agency
4,764 news found

Packaging and logisticsUni and EthicsGo together for ethical and sustainable labels
Agreement signed for the granting of the "Verified Claim" brand
Companies now recognize that focusing on sustainability is a strategic element to attract consumer confidence! Looking at the advertisements and labels it would seem that all companies and all products... more

Economy and financeTanzania and Ifad together to increase the productivity of the country
Objective: to improve food security and build the resilience of small farmers
A US$77.4 million project signed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania will bring much needed help to 260,000 rural households... more

Fruit and vegetablesWe're Smart Academy is born in Brussels
Objective: to promote fruit and vegetables; 5 Italian chefs involved
It is no coincidence that in the week from 10 to 16 May 2021, the International Fruits and Vegetables Week and the new We're Smart Academy started at the same time. The academy brings together international... more

IndustryDe' Longhi: a record first quarter
Strong expansion of turnover (€ 625.7 million) and margins
The Board of Directors of De’ Longhi SpA today approved the results for the first quarter of 2021. Consolidated revenues for the first quarter amounted to € 678.7 million, growing by 72.6%. The expansion of... more

WinesConegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOP rides change
Anticipation of the 2020 economic report
The Dop records the holding of volumes and values, the shifting of volumes to new channels and expansion in the large-scale retail trade. Growth in new markets is decided, while it holds in most of the historical ones. more

NewsMade in Italy: Mipaaf renews agreement with Ebay
Italy is the only country in the world to protect the agri-food heritage on the web
With the new two-year agreement also signed by orIGin Italia and Federdoc, protection is also extended to product labeling profiles to verify their regularity and compliance with EU and national regulations on the subject. more

Packaging and logisticsVerallia adopts Sapi's sustainable printing
The company will achieve a saving of 43203 kg of Co2
The circular economy has now penetrated into every business logic, and beyond. Actions, products and services of our daily life can become circular overcoming the linearity of "produce, use and throw away"... more

NewsEnvironment, scientists contest the WWF on agricultural impacts
Exclusive: the president of the National Agricultural Academy speaks
Cantelli Forti: "Troubled to acknowledge that an international body of this magnitude has produced a very limited document because it is one-sided, scientifically incorrect because it is full of scandalous tones and dangerous because it is easy to exploit and generate provocation all over the world". more

Economy and financeRch in 2020: over 23 million in turnover
For 2021 growth estimated at 20% and further increase in the workforce
Rch has communicated the results for the year 2020 which recorded a turnover that exceeds 23 million euros, with a gross operating margin (ebitda) of 2.7 million euros. Despite the profound uncertainty... more

IndustryKellogg launches the wellness manifesto
Actions in collaboration with Banco Alimentare and the Italian Red Cross
The new wellness manifesto launched in recent days by Kellogg at a European level is a story that highlights how social commitment, environmental and nutritional benefits go hand in hand. "A holistic vision... more

Veg worldValsoia: revenues up in the 1st quarter (+ 15%)
Sales abroad also increased (+ 14%)
In the first quarter of 2021 Valsoia recorded sales revenues of € 20.58 million compared to € 17.86 million in the same period of 2020 (+ 15.2%). A note from the Bolognese company explains that "the imp... more

Fruit and vegetablesStrawberries, the Civ varieties present in over 60 countries
Featured at the ninth edition of the international strawberry symposium Iss 2021
The two breeders Leis and Diamanti: “Useful comparison on a global level. Thanks to the organizers Crea and the Marche Polytechnic. See you at the next edition of the Symposium in 2024 in China”. more

Catering and hospitalityMcDonald's: Q1 2021 exceeds pre-pandemic numbers
Consolidated revenue stood at $ 5.12 billion
"Global comparable sales and revenues in Q1 2021 surpassed Q1 2019 levels, although reopening and operating restrictions coexist in many parts of the world. I admire the resilience of all members of our... more

WinesTannico goes shopping in France
Venteàlapropriété acquired with a capital increase of 32 million
Tannico, a well-stocked online wine shop, today signed an agreement for the acquisition of a majority stake in Venteàlapropriété, a company founded in 2008 and active on the French market in the sale of... more

FairsFieravicola presents itself in Russia and Ukraine
In the two webinars, on 12 and 14 May, entrepreneurial experiences and sectors compared
Unaitalia presents the Italian meat sector and Assoavi illustrates the egg sector. more

ConsumptionIce cream: reopening generates record consumption
Thanks to high temperatures, boom in sales this weekend in Italy
Never before has so much ice cream been consumed in 2021 with the weekend setting the record thanks to the mild, almost summer climate, the desire for freedom of the Italians and the reopening of ice cream... more

Oils and condimentsFirst "carbon neutral" Italian organic extra virgin olive oil
A project of the Sicilian start-up Boniviri
Boniviri, a Sicilian start-up and benefit company, launches the first Italian “carbon neutral” organic extra virgin olive oil. The project envisages that the CO2 emissions generated by oil along the ent... more

Cheese and dairy productsExport: India blocks Italian cheeses
Hindu fundamentalists do not want animal rennet to be used
Italian dairy exports to India fell by 60% in volume and 62% in value in less than a year. This was announced by Assolatte, highlighting that sales of Parmigiano Reggiano and Grana Padano have even dropped... more

NewsLuxardo admitted between Les Henokiens
The international association that welcomes companies with more than 200 years of history
The Paduan distillery Luxardo celebrates its 200th anniversary and this milestone allows it to officially enter the prestigious one "Les Hénokiens" association, which brings together the world companies... more

FairsMacfrut warms up the engines
International presentations continue, next stops in Colombia, Chile and Peru
Piraccini: "There is a great desire to restart, and Macfrut is a great opportunity for the entire Italian fruit and vegetable supply chain to team up and restore momentum to the sector" more

WinesBrussels: water in wines with designation of origin?
Coldiretti responds to European Commission's proposal
"Removing alcohol from wine and adding water is the latest Brussels gimmick for the wine sector already under attack with the proposal to introduce alarmist labels to discourage its consumption foreseen... more

DistributionAspiag (Despar) closes 2020 with turnover of 2.43 billion (+ 4.7%)
The dealership of the Austrian group made profits of 38 million
A 2020 growing for Aspiag Service Srl, concessionaire of the Despar brand for the Triveneto and Emilia-Romagna regions, with a turnover of 2.43 billion euros (+ 5.3% in value sales and + 4.7% in sales... more

Baby foodThe new sustainable packaging by Plasmon
First baby food product with fully recyclable packaging
Plasmon, the Italian baby food company owned by Kraft-Heinz confirms its commitment to sustainability and relaunches its "Squeezer and Taste" in a new fully recyclable pack. The Plasmon 100% fruit snack... more

FairsIllycaffè at the tenth edition of Frieze Art Fair
For the next three years the company will support the three international contemporary art fairs
illycaffè is global coffee partner of the tenth edition of Frieze Art Fair, the international contemporary art fair that this year gives an appointment to art lovers in May at The Shed in New York and... more

Economy and financeCdp and Sace help IWB in M&A
They subscribe bonds for 25 million, closed early placement of 130 million
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and Sace support Italian Wine Brands for possible extraordinary acquisitions. The two public conglomerates have subscribed a share equal to 25 million of the 130 million bond... more

Economy and financeKellogg invests 140 million euros in Pringles
The new production line starts in the Polish factory opened early
This is an investment that will increase production by 34%, which corresponds to another 120 million cans of Pringles per year. more

IndustryAcqua San Benedetto with Ca' Foscari University for a new training project
Develop transversal skills of current and future managers of the company
Consistent with the corporate mission of development and growth of internal resources, San Benedetto launches the training project in partnership with the Ca 'Foscari Challenge School and financed by the... more

LiqueursCampari positions itself in luxury with the new Rare division
To establish itself among the main players in the United States and in the main global markets
The group closed the first quarter with double-digit growth, also due to the increase in domestic consumption more

Economy and financeAgriculture is the protagonist of Italian leasing
In 2020, 3,873 agricultural and primary processing companies were financed with over 491 million euros
Agriculture proves to be one of the leading sectors of Italian leasing. This is stated in the statistical report To Lease 2021 edited by Assilea, the Italian association of leasing and long-term rental.... more

Cheese and dairy productsPecorino Romano: the TV spot on air
With a claim that highlights the quality of the product and its link with the territory and tradition
“Pecorino Romano: European quality in its best form”: this is the claim that accompanies the spot that highlights the high quality of the product and its link with the territory and tradition. Spot tha... more

NewsInsects: Europe pushes to adopt them in human nutrition
Filiera Italia: "Another paradox of an overly ideological approach to Farm to Fork"
Europe pushes on human nutrition with insects. Pest insect meal moths will become food and part of the daily diet, after the European Union approved their marketing as a food product for human consumption... more

Coffeeillycaffè 2020: e-commerce sales soar
Declining turnover determined by the away-from-home segment
The shareholders' meeting of illycaffè SpA approved the 2020 financial statements, filing an overall positive and profitable year despite the pandemic and the related containment measures. Sales linked... more

IndustryLavazza: the first roasting shop opens in the United States
A new facility will be built in West Chester, Pennsylvania by fall 2021
Lavazza North America, part of the Italian coffee company Lavazza, will build the first coffee roasting and packaging plant in the United States. The opening of the new plant is scheduled for October 2021... more

FairsHoreca restarts from HostMilano
The 42nd edition will be held in attendance from 22 to 26 October 2021
Thanks to the easing of restrictions and the new measures decided by governments on the subject of exhibition structures, the Horeca world is ready to restart "live" at fieramilano, from 22 to 26 October... more

Economy and financeDe Longhi: agreement for the acquisition of Eversys finalized
The remaining 60% was sold to the Group for Chf 110 million
Following the completion of the authorization process by the competent bodies (in particular the antitrust bodies) and the occurrence of the conditions precedent, the De 'Longhi Group finalized the agreement... more

ZootechnyFood and farming: who decides the future for Europe?
Online event scheduled for May 5th/Video
The Farm to Fork strategy sets the general principles for the future of our food system, but on what basis? more

NewsFarm to Fork: organic dream book?
Compag: "Plan with deep contradictions and difficult to implement"
On the basis of the Community strategy "Farm to Fork", the Commission is working on the definition of an action plan for achieving the objective of 25% of agricultural area destined for organic cultivation... more

Pasta and bakery productsPiadina Romagnola Igp is presented in Canada
Shot in Santarcangelo and Poggio-Torriana a spot on the "bread of Romagna"
Piadina Romagnola Igp is presented to the Canadian market. It will do so with a video promoted by the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada of Montreal in collaboration with the agriculture department... more

VideoLa Cascina celebrates 43 years and looks abroad
Exclusive interview with the CEO, Emilio Roussier Fusco
The Group thinks to an international expansion and the launch of a new catering format more

Fruit and vegetablesOrsero for a more sustainable business
The 2020 sustainability report presented/Attachment
Orsero SpA, a company engaged at European level in the import and distribution of fresh fruit and vegetables and listed on the Star market of the Italian Stock Exchange, presented the 2020 sustainability... more

Economy and financeBonifiche Ferraresi rewards employees
The holding closed 2020 with a profit of 2.4 million
The ordinary shareholders' meeting of BF Spa, the controlling holding of Bonifiche Ferraresi, approved the financial statements at 31 December 2020. The value of production stood at Euro 97.4 million,... more

DistributionDespar in Italy closes 2020 with turnover of 3.9 billion (+ 8.4%)
40 new supermarkets are expected to open in 2021
Despar in Italy closed 2020 with a turnover of 3.9 billion euros, up 8.4% compared to the previous year. 68% of the turnover was generated by direct points of sale and 32% by affiliated stores, a fact... more

IndustryHiperbaric presents the Hpp Innovation Week
Event on high pressure processing technology for the food and beverage industry
The HPP Innovation Week 2021 is the reference event on high pressure processing technology (HPP) for the food and beverage industry. A virtual conference that will bring together manufacturers, retailers,... more

FishTuna Day: Rio Mare reaffirms its commitments to sustainability
According to the ISSF, 87% of tuna stocks are in good health today
On the occasion of World Tuna Day, which was celebrated on 2 May, Rio Mare (Bolton Group), leader in the canned tuna market in Italy and Europe, reiterated the importance of sustainable fishing and its... more

Catering and hospitalityBurger King returns to growth in Q1 2021
The holding company RBI achieved consolidated revenues of $ 7.9 billion
Restaurant Brands International Inc., the controlling holding of Burger King, Tim Hortons and Popeye, with over 27,000 restaurants worldwide, reported the financial results for the first quarter ended... more

Packaging and logisticsIlpra approves 2020 financial statements with strong growth in profits
Approved dividend for shareholders of € 0.06
The Shareholders' Meeting of Ilpra, an innovative Lombard SME active in the packaging sector with a wide range of machines and technological solutions for the packaging of food products, met under the... more

Pasta and bakery productsEbro Foods, record revenues in the 1st quarter
Net profit of 52.8 million (+ 10.6%)
The Spanish food group Ebro Foods recorded net revenues of 697.2 million euros in the first quarter of 2021, up by 6.5%, driven by the good performance of the brands, among which Garofalo pasta stands... more

Cheese and dairy productsLactalis-Nestlé, a joint venture on ultra-fresh products
It will manage the Zymil, Parmalat, Kyr and Malù brands in Italy
Lactalis has decided to entrust the management of fresh yoghurts and desserts under the Zymil, Parmalat, Kyr and Malù brands to the jv Lnpf Italia. A note from the group specifies that Lactalis-Nestlé P... more

Veg worldValsoia will distribute Vallé in Italy
Exclusive agreement for 42 months, from 1 January 2022
Valsoia, a leading company in the Italian market for health food products, has concluded an agreement with Vallé Italia for the exclusive distribution in Italy of the entire "Vallé" branded product portfolio. T... more

IndustryNestlé acquires core brands of The Bountiful Company
The transaction is valued at USD 5.75 billion
The Swiss giant expands health and nutrition portfolio. more