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EFA News - European Food Agency

4,764 news found

CoffeeArla and Starbucks celebrate successful 10 year partnership

The partnership has been a success from the start

2020 marks 10 years since European farmer-owned dairy cooperative Arla Foods and the American coffee company Starbucks partnered up to combine chilled coffee and milk for the ready to drink (RTD) market. The partnership has been a success from the start, securing continuous growth in a high pace global market, in which unit production has increased by no less than 1700 per cent. more

Cheese and dairy productsBrands and transformation deliver strong 2019 results for Arla

Arla’s branded sales volume grew 5.1 per cent in 2019

In 2019 farmer-owned Arla Foods exceeded expectations for global branded sales whilst simultaneously transforming its business securing cost-savings at the top end of expectations through the Calcium programme. This enabled Arla to deliver a stable milk price to its farmers owners and a strong cash flow further strengthened the company’s investment power in future growth. more