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EFA News - European Food Agency

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ConsumptionAlmost a fifth of all food and drink launches in Europe are organic

Europe is leading the way in terms of organic food and drink innovation

The total share of new global food and drink product launches with organic claims has risen from 6% to 10% between August 2009 and July 2019. Millennials (aged 25-34) and Gen Zs (aged 16-24) in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Poland, are the most likely to purchase organic food and drink and are also willing to pay more for these products. more

Cheese and dairy productsArla scales up its commitment to develop a sustainable dairy sector in Nigeria

Arla will be the commercial partner that will purchase, collect, process and bring the local milk to market

In a new public-private partnership in Nigeria, farmer-owned Arla Foods is committing to further development of a long-term sustainable dairy industry and local dairy sector in Nigeria by helping 1,000 small scale farmers create better livelihoods while strengthening its business in the country. more