Sanpellegrino Observatory: physical exercise and hydration, a winning combination
Ideal waters for athletes are mineral waters with a fixed residue exceeding 1500 mg per litre

Water is essential for life and for maintaining the general state of health of the body, especially during sports, since the body loses liquids through sweating, making it necessary to replenish them to avoid incurring dehydration.
Exercise and drinking the right amount of water are known to improve people's quality of life, with both physical and mental benefits. On the contrary, a sedentary lifestyle and dehydration can lead to an increase in very common diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disorders.
“Taking liquids in adequate quantities brings benefits to the functionality of the heart, brain, kidneys, digestive system and joints", explains Professor Alessandro Zanasi , expert at the Sanpellegrino Observatory and member of the International Stockholm Water Foundation. "The water, through the blood, contributes to the transport of nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and organs and, thanks to sweating, helps to maintain a stable body temperature".
Hydration correctly is essential especially for athletes since, during exercise, the body generates heat and produces sweat to maintain a constant temperature, with a significant loss of water and mineral salts such as sodium, potassium and magnesium. Lack of hydration can cause early fatigue, muscle weakness, cramps, reduced resistance to fatigue and an increased heart rate, all of which worsen physical performance.
“The ideal waters for athletes are mineral waters with a fixed residue greater than 1,500 mg per litre, which guarantee a greater intake of salts because they are rich in substances such as sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium, whose assimilation takes longer . These waters are therefore also ideal for the recovery of athletes after sporting activity", concludes Professor Zanasi .
EFA News - European Food Agency