EFA News - European Food Agency
4,777 news found

NewsPepsico closes with Dorito’s transgender testimonial, Samantha Hudson
The multinational rips the contract after discovering that the influencer had posted offensive comments
In the United States, consumers lead, at least in advertising campaigns. This is demonstrated by the campaigns, now historic, Bud Light beers that have unleashed the ire of Yankee drinkers for the effigy... more

FairsMacfrut: global players of table grapes in the foreground
South Africa, South America, Spain: the experience of stage producers in Rimini (9 May 2024)
The Macfrut Table Grape Global Players scheduled for the second day of the fair (Thursday 9 May) at the Rimini Expo Center will be a great meeting and discussion with experiences from all over the world.... more

IndustryOlive Ficacci's turnover soars: reached 34 million euros, + 50% on 2020
The USA is the second largest market after Italy. But those of Japan, China and the Middle East are also opening
The Castel Madama (Rome) company also enjoys an excellent positioning in countries where the olive is at home such as Spain, Greece and Portugal, as well as in Northern Europe, South Africa and South America, where Colombia counts as last market reached in the first quarter of 2024 more

DistributionMarr, leap in profitability and profits: dividend of 60 cents announced
A new plant will soon be inaugurated in Lombardy, with an investment of € 28 million
The Italian Rimini based Marr Group closed 2023 with total consolidated revenues of 2,085.5 million euros with growth of 155 million compared to 2022. Operating profitability recovered strongly with consolidated... more

IndustryThe German Gea patented food monitoring system
Will be presented at Anuga FoodTec (Koln, 19/22 march): analyzes liquids in real time
Gea Foods, one of the world’s largest suppliers of systems for the food and beverage sectors with offices in Italy, is launching a new sensor system for the monitoring of food products. The GEA NiSoMate p... more

FairsAfrica&Mediterranean Poultry Forum: poultry farming meets in Rimini
The event in collaboration with Assoavi and Unaitalia, together with Macfrut (8-10 May 2024)
Africa&Mediterranean Poultry Forum and B2B is the international event dedicated to poultry farming which will be held from 8 to 10 May 2024 at the Rimini Expo Centre. This is a moment of in-depth analysis... more

VideoItalian Capitan Findus, sticks never go out of style
Exclusive interview with Renato Roca, Country Manager Findus Italy
Eight out of 10 Italians consider them an inimitable legend, a passion that cuts across every generation. From young people from GenZ to Millennials, as well as families with children and those with teenagers:... more

Meats“Trust Your Taste" closes the first three years in style
The Assica project has informed millions of people in Italy and Belgium and trained 300 thousand operators
The project was ambitious, but today Assica can claim to have fully won the challenge: “Trust Your Taste, Choose European Quality” closes the first three years of activity with an extraordinary result, bot... more

SustainabilityEmissions directive: final approval from the European Parliament
The measures are extended to pig farms with more than 350 animals and to poultry farms with over 300 chickens /Annex
The Commission will evaluate, by 31 December 2026, whether to also intervene on the beef sector and on any reciprocity clauses towards non-EU producers more

Pasta and bakery productsBarilla takes his "cellentani" to the USA
The format becomes a new entry in Protein+ products
Barilla expands its product range in the United States and adds Cellentani to the high protein pasta brands. Cellentani are a type of pasta with a characteristic corkscrew shape: it takes its name, according... more

AgrifoodUrbani Tartufi: 8 million euros to double the production plant
The company aims to create an increasingly larger, harmonious and sustainable work space
Urbani Tartufi engages the turbo and invests 8 million euros in wide-ranging innovations and expansions. The first objective among many: to double the historic production plant in Santa Anatolia di Narco... more

ForeignFood processing: EU guidelines for ecological transition
The path encourages interested parties to adopt the specific Code of Conduct/Annex
The European Commission today published the transition path for the agri-food industrial ecosystem, which focuses on the food processing industry. The pathway was co-created by the Commission, Member States... more

Economy and financeEU approves 1.1 billion state aid to Italy for zero emissions economy
Supporting investment in equipment to promote the transition to a net emission-free economy
The Commission approves a 1.1 billion Euro scheme of Italian State aid to support investment in equipment "necessary to promote the transition to a zero net emission economy" according to the Green Deal... more

SustainabilityThe protection consortium for the PDO white fig is born in Italian Cilento
Objective, protecting quality and tradition by promoting the product on domestic and foreign markets
The "Consorzio di tutela del Fico Bianco del Cilento Dop" was born. The establishment took place at the headquarters of the body, in the hamlet of San Pietro, in Perdifumo, in the province of Salerno.... more

PeopleRichard Williams new ceo of Müller in UK and Ireland
Takes the place of Justin Cook: in the past he has been in the dairy sector with Saputo
Richard Williams is the new ceo of Müller Yogurt & Dessert in the UK and Ireland. He replaces Justin Cook, former ceo of Jacobs Douwe Egberts who, since March 2021, had become ceo of the company. Müller Yo... more

Economy and financeIrca (chocolate and ingredients) acquires Benetti
The operation will guarantee greater presence in the provinces of Padua and Rovigo
The Irca Group, an international leader in the production of chocolate, creams, fruit and high quality ingredients for the food sector, has signed a binding agreement for the acquisition of Benetti, Italian... more

FairsWine. Italian Trade Agency: 1 billion euros in exports thanks to Germany
President Zoppas on the eve of Prowein in Düsseldorf: "Sparkling wines sold abroad at +6.8%"
At the German exhibition (10-12 March 2024), Italy is the most represented country, with 1,198 exhibitors more

ForeignEU. Commissioner Wojciechowski against the Green Deal, and praises the Italian model
Brussels spokesperson distances himself: "His personal opinions"
If there is an important personality who is firmly pushing for change from Brussels, it is the European Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski . “There are national reasons and elements linked t... more

NewsUN urges to invest in women in agri-food systems
IFAD-FAO-WFP appeal on the occasion of March 8th. Closing the gender gap would increase GDP
According to the FAO Report on the Status of Women in Agri-Food Systems, closing the gender gap in agricultural productivity and wages within agri-food systems could increase global domestic product by... more

DessertsPernigotti and Walcor in the Association of Historic Brands of Italy
President Mastrobuono: "A contribution to the valorization of Made in Italy"
Pernigotti and Walcor join the Historical Brands Association of Italy. The two well-known confectionery companies, controlled by JP Morgan starting from 2022, have in fact become part of the partnership... more

WinesVino Nobile Montepulciano: export record in Germany
66% of bottled wine is destined for the foreign market but the Italian share is growing
The Consorzio del Vino Nobile di Montepulciano returns to the Prowein in Dusseldorf which will take place from 10 to 12 March in the pavilions of the German fair where it will be present with a collective... more

Catering and hospitalityPizzium: 7 years of activity and 43.5 million euros in annual turnover (+45%)
2023 growth driven by the opening of 15 new locations. Another 12 will open in 2024
Pizzium celebrates its seven years with a growing turnover and with at least 12 new openings expected by the end of the year. It was on March 8, 2017, that the Neapolitan pizza chain founded by Nanni Arbellini... more

FairsMacfrut 2024: Emilian medicinal products at the center of the debate
Conference at the University of Bologna with producers, operators and institutions
The meeting follows a series of events leading up to the Spices& Herbs Global Expo (Riminifiera, 8-10 May). more

TraditionsCulatello Zibello PDO: turnover of 20 million euros in 2023
Exports cover 25% of production, 88% to the European market
A return of production to pre-Covid levels, with 81,351 sealed culatelli (for 325 thousand kilograms) and a consumer turnover exceeding 20 million euros. This was reiterated by the Consortium for the Protection... more

BiologicalOrganic: Made in Italy exports are growing (+8%) in 2023
Germany is the first foreign market for italian products, followed by Benelux
The export of organic Made in Italy products around the world is growing. In 2023 there will be an increase in value of +8% compared to 2022, with the weight of organic products on Italian agri-food exports... more

Catering and hospitalityMcDonald's in defense of women
The anti-violence and stalking number posted in all 700 Italian restaurants of the chain
McDonald's announces the participation of all its 700 restaurants in Italy in the "You are not alone, let us help" initiative. A unanimous and heartfelt participation that contributes to keeping the spotlight... more

FishAquaculture: 20 million euros from the EIF under InvestEU
Support for the Blue Revolution Fund venture capital fund to encourage innovation and sustainability
The European Investment Fund (EIF) has announced its support for the venture capital fund Blue Revolution Fund, providing € 20 million under InvestEU and investing in early-stage aquaculture businesses, d... more

ZootechnyEurostat: animal production estimated to decline (-1%) in the EU
In 2024, France should confirm the record in beef (2.7 million heads)
In the fourth quarter, Spain would achieve the record in pigs (13.6 million heads) and, in the second half of the year, in sheep (over 4.5 million) more

Economy and financePermira: team to invest in climate transition
Kush Patel leads asset hunting section: a 12 billion business
Private equity firm Permira announced today that it has appointed a dedicated team "to identify investment opportunities in the climate transition value chain". The team, led by Kush Patel and another... more

Conserved and jamsPassata Extrafine Tuscana Cirio Alta Cucina: from the excellence of the territory, an unmistakable flavour
Without seeds and peels, this novelty was designed for professional chefs and pizza makers
The Extrafine Passata della Toscana is the new premium proposal from Cirio Alta Cucina, the 100% Italian tomato specialist since 1856, ambassador of the excellence of Made in Italy throughout the world.... more

PeoplePalella Holdinngs changes the vertex of Everli
Jonathan Hannestad becomes ceo of the marketplace, Emanuele Floridi new head of external relations
A few days after the acquisition of the supermarket group Everli Palella Holdings, family office of Salvatore Palella, the tycoon nicknamed "the wizard of Helbiz", the first to have brought the sharing... more

TraditionsArtusi conquers the East
With the contribution of Aife, the famous essay by Pellegrino Artusi translated into Chinese was presented
This morning in Bologna, in the press room of the Regional Council of Emilia Romagna, the press conference was held to present the Chinese edition of Pellegrino Artusi 's book "Science in the kitchen and... more

FairsMacfrut 2024: Cuba is present
Until the next edition, exporters of mango, avocado and papaya from the Caribbean island
A presentation tour of Macfrut 2024 took place in Cuba last week. Cuban fruit and vegetable companies have already participated in the fair for three editions, and last year there were more than 50 operators... more

Economy and financeSill Enterprises wants Knorr in France
The company has made an offer to Unilever for the field of the liquid soups
Sill Entreprises, a French company based in Plouvien, Brittany, specializing in dairy products, soups and frozen products, made an offer to Unilever for the purchase of its Knorr liquid soup business in... more

FairsMacfrut 2024: Innovation Hub For Healthy Food debuts
At Riminifiera, the new exhibition dedicated to sustainable products and transformation technologies
Fourth "evolved" range, innovative fruit and vegetable snacks, fresh juices subjected to high pressure treatments. Product and process innovation is at home at Macfrut (Rimini Expo Center 8-10 May 2024)... more

DistributionMarr, turnover exceeded two billion euros
Preliminary data announced at the company convention
Marr surpasses, and by a lot, the barrier of 2 billion in turnover. The Cremonini group company, leader in Italy in foodservice distribution, has anticipated the preliminary figures on the occasion of... more

SustainabilityRitter sport opens solar park in Bavaria
On an area of 4 hectares, contributes to commitment to reduce emissions by 42% by 2030
Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co., manufacturer of the square Ritter Sport tablets, confirms its commitment to sustainability with the commissioning of its own solar park. Located in the municipality of Wenzenbach,... more

ForeignPoland. Tusk: "We do not rule out embargoes on Russian products"
The prime minister urges the EU to "better regulate" food imports from the East
Poland does not rule out introducing an import ban on agricultural products from Russia. Prime Minister Donald Tusk declared this today, during the visit to Warsaw of his Latvian counterpart Arturs Krišjānis K... more

DistributionAnimal welfare. Lidl also contested in the UK
BBC report: a high percentage of chickens sold could suffer from skin diseases
The BBC has broadcast a new investigation into the welfare of chickens sold in the Lidl discount store which investigates the presence of a skin disease caused by constant contact with faeces and urine.... more

FraudsUnfair practices: more fines for Italatte (Lactalis)
Another 4 sanctions for a total of over 154 thousand euros
The italian Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida had spoken of the ongoing provision of "100 administrative actions" against Lactalis and the ministerial cleaver against the French group arrives... more

MeatsFrance bans the term steak for vegetable meat
Prohibitions also for the use of terms such as "sausage" and "bacon"
Once upon a time France joined Italy as it had not been since the victories at the Coppi and Bartali Tour. The Macron government, in fact, has decided to ban the terms "steak", "sausage" and "bacon" if... more

Economy and financeDole sells Progressive Produce for $120 million
Operation for organic producer that generates $ 400 mln in the USA
Dole, a US agricultural multinational based in Westlake Village, California, has reached an agreement to sell its 65% shareholding in Progressive Produce to PTF Holdings, a company owned by Arable Capital... more

Packaging and logisticsVerallia acquires Vidrala glass activities in Italy
The transaction amount amounts to 230 million euros in corporate value
Verallia has entered into an agreement to acquire Vidrala's glass activities in Italy. The Italian branch of Vidrala operates from a production plant equipped with two ovens located in Corsico, near Milan.... more

Government actsGeographical indications: definitive approval from the European Parliament
The reform passes with a very large majority. More protection and transparency on our products
De Castro (PSE): "New regulation generates added value, finally good news for European farmers" more

Catering and hospitalityRossopomodoro accelerates foreign expansion
In partnership with Eataly and Areas. And in the meantime it will open in the center of Rome
After a brilliant 2023, with 9 openings in Italy and 5 abroad, another year of development is looming for Rossopomodoro, the flagship brand of the Sebeto group, starting from the next opening in the prestigious... more

SustainabilityRestoration of nature: ok European Parliament with 329 votes in favour
By 2030, Member States will have to reclaim at least 30% of the habitats covered by the new law
The EU nature restoration law, agreed with member states, will restore degraded ecosystems in all member states, help achieve the EU’s climate and biodiversity objectives and enhance food security.To r... more

FairsCibus 2024: a record-breaking edition is expected
Sold out, with over 3000 brands booked and 120 thousand m2 of exhibition space
A record edition. Sold out at Cibus 2024 (Parma, 7-10 May), the reference event for the Made in Italy agri-food sector, the result of the consolidated collaboration between Fiere di Parma and Federalimentare.... more

MeatsSan Daniele PDO: turnover of 360 million euros in 2023
2.5 million hams produced last year. 19% of the cured meats were exported
With over 2.5 million hams produced and exports equal to 19% of total sales, the San Daniele PDO sector is also recording excellent results for 2023. The number of pre-sliced trays exceeds 21.3 million... more

Economy and financeEU agri-food: 6.9 billion euro surplus in November 2023
Exports expanding to the UK, declining to the USA and China. Brazil maintains import primacy
The European Union's agri-food trade surplus continues to grow. In October 2023, it reached 6.9 billion euros, up (+3%) compared to the previous month and November 2022 (+27%). From January to November... more

LiqueursPernod invests 200 million in largest malt distillery in India
It will rise in Maharashtra and expects to employ 800 workers
Pernod Ricard signed a memorandum of understanding with the government of Maharashtra, India, to build "one of the largest" malt distilleries in the country: a giant in which, according to the same multinational,... more