295 news found

NewsThe ports of the northern Adriatic are increasingly smart and green
A declaration signed to strengthen cooperation between Italy, Croatia and Slovenia
The Northern Adriatic ports belonging to the Napa-North Adriatic Ports Association (ports of Venice and Chioggia, Trieste and Monfalcone, Ravenna, Koper and Rijeka) signed, this morning, a joint declaration... more

NewsWorld olive day: the Coi celebrates it in Tbilisi
The event today in the ceremonial palace of Georgia with international authorities
On the occasion, an international seminar was held on the trends of the world olive oil market more

NewsoriGIn: the general assembly of PDO PGIs from all over the world is underway
The works spread between yesterday and today. Elections for the new bodies yesterday afternoon
Yesterday, 23 November and today 24 November, the biennial meeting of oriGIn is held, the organization that promotes the world network of food and drink producers with Geographical Indication, such as... more

NewsNutriscore lands in Italy, and Antitrust initiates 5 investigations
On the use of the system by GS, Carrefour Italy, Pescanova Italy, Valsoia and foreign companies
According to the Authority, the consumer could be induced to attribute health properties to products with a positive judgment according to NutriScore or Yuka and therefore to trust the labeling system and the app to make food choices. more

NewsThe Italian wine sector against Prošek
Letter sent today to Commissioners Wojciechowski and Gentiloni and to Comagri
"The recognition of the Traditional Term 'Prošek' would lead to a general weakening of the EU PDO and PGI protection system, which should instead enjoy a wider scope of protection: the geographical location... more

NewsEu antitrust punishes Conserve Italia
Fine of 20 million euros for making a cartel
The European Commission has fined Conserve Italia Soc. Agricultural cooperative and its subsidiary Conserves France S.A. with a fine of 20 million euros for violation of EU antitrust rules. Brussels noted... more

NewsDanone awarded among the Caring Companies 2020
Recognition to companies that promote synergies between life and work and enhance diversity
Lifeed, an education technology company, launches Caring Company, an award that rewards companies able to foster the synergy between life and work, to promote models of caring leadership and to value people... more

NewsThe European scientific community against the NutriScore
"It has no scientific basis and risks confusing the consumer"
Reaffirming the unscientific nature of the NutriScore, demonstrating the lack of arguments in support of the measure and highlighting well-established studies that have always highlighted the weaknesses... more

NewsThe great Tuscan wines to conquer New York
Eight Italian excellences protagonists of an exclusive event
The great Tuscan wines land in New York. And they seduce the Big Apple. Eight excellences of the Italian wine scene, including 6 Tuscan labels, will be protagonists in the city's temple of luxury, the... more

NewsFrance: fast food restaurants adopt Nutriscore
Unaprol: "French fries better than olive oil, it's madness"
French fries are healthier than a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil which, in turn, has the same value for the body as a heavily stuffed hamburger. "It is the latest folly of Nutriscore", highlights... more

NewsWhy does the EU finance synthetic meat?
MP Picierno and De Castro ask the Commission for clarification
"Can the Commission explain on what grounds and for what reasons the Feed for Meat project by Dutch companies Nutreco and Mosa Meat recently received a substantial € 2 million grant from the React-EU p... more

NewsSlovenian balsamic: the Italian government takes action
Grosoli (President of the Modena Consortium): "Thanks to the institutions, our message of alarm has been heard"
"The Ministry of Agriculture, through the undersecretary Gian Marco Centinaio, has also sided with us on the issue of the technical regulation on Balsamic Vinegar through which the Slovenian legislator,... more

NewsRicola On Air with new advertising campaign in Italy
The spot features the l'Originale brand
The Swiss company Ricola presents a new communication campaign that focuses on humour and a surprise effect. The spot starts by misleading the public and presenting another rather unreal product. It advertises... more

NewsOil. Coi Executive Director on an official visit to Tunisia
With the International Olive Oil Council delegation at Siamap 2021
The Tunisian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Othman Jerandi, welcomed Abdellatif Ghedira, Executive Director of the International Olive Oil Council (IOOC), and Mounir Fourati, Head of the IOOC's External... more

NewsWorld Food Day. Statement by the Italian President Sergio Mattarella
"It’s about taking up one of the most ambitious 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development goals: eradicating hunger”
The President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, on the occasion of World Food Day, issued the following statement:"World Food Day is a valuable opportunity to think about the dramatic consequences... more

NewsTypical products: UE verdict on champagne
Filiera Italia: "Good news for our delicacies, now bilateral agreements as protection even overseas"
"Finally a clear stop to unadeguate use, exploitable and evocative of protected denominations names in UE": this states Luigi Scordamaglia, CEO of Filiera Italia, to the verdict that the Italian Supreme... more

NewsDiva and director launched into the cosmos: what do they eat in space?
"Terrestrial" menu for cosmonauts and Russian cast, who arrived on the Space Station for the scenes of a film
They were launched from Kazakhstan's Baikonur Cosmodrome on 5 October aboard the Soyuz MS-19 spacecraft. The veteran cosmonaut of the Russian Space Agency Roscosmos, as well as commander of the expedition,... more

NewsStartup: Camst launches calls, with the possibility of investing in equity
Selections for 15 companies, until November 14th
Camst group, one of the most important Italian player in the catering business, launches a call for startups, with the aim of developing innovative solutions in the food, retail tech and facility management... more

NewsFabbri 1905 awarded by the Leonardo Committee
"Ambassador of Italian taste". And inaugurates the exhibition of the Fabbri Prize for art
Ambassador of Italian taste, capable of distinguishing itself for its innovative and quality products and of projecting itself on international markets: Nicola Fabbri , CEO of Fabbri 1905, received on... more

NewsAutogrill and Coca-Cola Hbc for intercompany training
A development program aimed at the talents of the two companies has been launched
Autogrill Italia and Coca-Cola Hbc Italia, the main bottler of The Coca-Cola Company brand products in Italy, jointly launch a project dedicated to the training of their employees: "Leaders on the move",... more

NewsStart up: Katoo closes a new round of financing of $ 7.2M
The Spanish company develops digital apps for catering
Katoo, a Spanish start-up born two years ago and focused on the creation of apps for restaurants (to optimize reservations, for example) has obtained a new loan for 7.2 million dollars led by the Spanish... more

NewsInternational Food Waste Awareness Day
Effpa publishes video to explain former foodstuff processing/Video
In the context of the 2nd international food waste awareness day on 29 September 2021, the Effpa (European Former Foodstuff Processors Association) has published a video to explain the transformation of... more

NewsPlasmon: undersecretary visits the Latina plant
The company will purchase 25,000 tons of raw material from Italian supply chains
The Undersecretary for Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, Senator Gian Marco Centinaio, today visited the Plasmon production site in Latina with the production processes dedicated to baby food.... more

NewsProšek: Croatia does not give up
Federvini: "We need immediate coordination between the supply chain and the Government to oppose"
The application for registration of the “traditional term” Prošek to be used in the labeling and presentation of four Croatian wines with a protected designation of origin was published today in the Offi... more

NewsGranarolo launches the Sustainable Transition plan
Calzolari: "Small and extensive does not automatically mean more sustainable than large and intensive"
On the occasion of the presentation of the sustainability report, Granarolo today announced the launch of the Sustainable Transition, a program of ecological and equitable transition of the supply chain... more

NewsThe International White Truffle Fair is back in Alba
Spread between October 9th and December 5th
A circle that closes, while remaining open to the many novelties of this edition: it is the magic of the International Alba White Truffle Fair, which after the itinerant appointments in the surrounding... more

NewsProtected typicality: EU ruling on champagne
Italy supply chain: "Good news for our excellences, now bilateral agreements to protect even beyond the EU borders"
"Finally, a clear stop to the improper, instrumental and evocative use of the names of the protected designations of origin in the EU": this is the comment by Luigi Scordamaglia, managing director of Filiera... more

NewsBeef: the Sustainability Communicators Summit
The Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef year's meeting will held on September 8
Amplifying sustainable beef communications: this is the goal of the virtual Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef meeting, to be held on September 8, 2021. This year's virtual Summit will be a highly... more

PetfoodWorld Paella Day Cup 2021 finalists announced
Only 36 chefs from 20 countries won a place in the grand final on September 20
Paella fans, foodies and the World Paella Day Cup jury gave their verdict. After receiving more than 50,000 online votes from different parts of the world, analyzing the chefs' resumes and videos, as well... more

NewsAnimal welfare: Subway joins the European Commitment on chickens
Voluntary standards exceeding the legal requirements for the protection of animals
Subway, an American fast food brand, has announced its adherence to the criteria set by the European Chicken Commitment by 2026, thus introducing some important minimum standards to reduce the suffering... more

NewsIPCC sixth climate assessment report published
Less than 80 days before the start of the Cop26 in Glasgow/Annex
Just one possibility to reduce the effects of global warming: to reach net zero emissions as soon as possible more

NewsPrices: raw materials boom ballast the food industry
Vacondio (Federalimentare): "Stop to speculative agricultural financial instruments"
"Italy underestimated the raw materials alarm. The rises caught us unprepared because we had come from years of relative stability in agricultural markets. The whole food industry has to deal with increases... more

NewsIn Canada they work on a line of vegetable fish and seafood
$ 1.9 million investment announced
Protein Industries Canada has announced a co-investment with New School Foods and Liven Proteins to develop plant-based seafood products. The project will focus on developing a whole fish fillet that emulates... more

NewsAsiago Cheese Pdo says no to Nutri-score
The Consortium will not authorize traffic light labels on its packaging
The Asiago Cheese Protection Consortium announces that it will not authorize requests for changes to the Asiago PDO labeling that contemplate the presence of traffic lights or equivalent systems. Applying... more

NewsUN pre-summit on food systems
Idf launches the special edition of the Dairy Sustainability Outlook/Attachment
The Pre-Summit of the UN summit on food systems began yesterday in Rome (see EFA News article of 26-7-21), which will lay the foundations for the summit in September. The event, which ends on July 28,... more

NewsIt splits in two Dr Oetker, that of Cameo and pizza Ristorante (and not only)
Deep family disagreements at the origin of the split into two independent groups
To be precise, the split concerns Oetker Gruppe, or the German multinational that under the Dr. Oetker brand produces baking powder, mixes for cakes, frozen pizzas, puddings, decorations for confectionery,... more

NewsFood Systems pre-summit/2: Confeuro comments
"At the Rome summit, putting the primary system back at the center"
To fight hunger, tangible and immediate actions are needed that put the primary sector at the center, declares Andrea Michele Tiso, national president of Confeuro, the Confederation of European and world... more

NewsDraghi speaks at the UN pre-summit on food systems
The primary objective is to achieve "Food safety for all"/Video
Prime Minister Mario Draghi spoke today in Rome at the high-level pre-summit event hosted by the Italian government, which anticipates the United Nations Food Systems Summit, an event to be held in September.... more

NewsAdvanced course on olive growing and climate change
On-line, September 27-October 1st, organized by the International Olive Council and the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza
The International Olive Council (IOC) and the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (IAMZ) have planned to organise an advanced course on Olive Growing and Climate Change from September 27 to October... more

NewsCelavie, an Italian-Tunisian project on aquaponics, has been launched
EU-funded cooperation in the aquaculture and agriculture sectors
Celavie, an Italian-Tunisian cooperation project in the aquaculture and agriculture sectors, funded by the European Union, has been launched. The project has a financial endowment of 900 thousand euros... more

NewsItalpizza is one of the first food companies symbol of Made in Italy
According to the ranking made by 'ItalyPost' - 'Corriere della Sera'
Study center 'ItalyPost', in partnership with the newspaper column 'L'Economia' by the newspaper 'Corriere della Sera', has published the ranking 'Imprese Top 2021' ('Top Enterprises 2021'). It's a very... more

NewsLabels: the PDO revolt against Nutriscore
Parmigiano Reggiano and Grana Padano consortia will not authorize the insertion of traffic lights on the packaging
Parmigiano Reggiano and Grana Padano cheese, the two most important Italian PDOs in Italy and in the world, together for the first time to say no to the Nutriscore system in compliance with one of the... more

NewsConference on "Review of the agri-food promotion policy"
Organized by the European Commission will be held on 12 and 13 July 2021
The conference on the review of the EU agricultural product promotion policy organized by the European Commission will be held on 12 and 13 July 2021. The conference is part of a broad consultation process,... more

NewsPizzerias: USA’s top 50
Italians always at the top in all the States
After the motherland, Italy, the United Sates are surely the nation where, throughout the decades, the pizza phenomenon caught on the most. For this reason too, 50 Top Pizza, the most important guide of... more

NewsOver than 44% of Italians are increasingly aware of sustainability
Propension to pay higher prices increases, according to Sap studies
Sap announces the results of the survey made together with Qualtrics to understand the perception of Italians on sustainability. The research was designed to acquire data and information to help businesses... more

NewsInternational Olive Council and FAO sign agreement
Collaboration agreement for the olive sector formalized by the Madrid and Rome offices
Recognized the important role that the two institutions play in the development of the sector. Drafted a collaboration agreement signed by Abdellatif Ghedira, executive director of the IOC, and Mohammed Manssouri, director of the FAO Investment Center more

NewsForests: changes to the European strategy are needed
The appeal of the associations of the forest-wood-energy sector to Mipaaf
The main associations representing the operators of the forest-wood-energy supply chain in Italy have asked the Italian government to intervene to improve the European forestry strategy, whose draft document... more

NewsEuropean agreement on Community Agricoltural Policy
To Italian farms 50B Euros in 5 years
The European institutions - Commission, Parliament and Council - have reached an overall agreement on the reform of the Community Agricultural Policy. This was announced on Twitter by EU Agriculture Commissioner... more

NewsThe 4th Forum on the EU rice sector was held yesterday
The proposals put forward, so that the balance of the European supply chain is not jeopardized/Annex
Eight problems that risk jeopardizing the future of European rice fields, but also as many solutions that will be submitted to Brussels: from the forthcoming expiry of the safeguard clause and its not... more

NewsThe 4th European Rice Sector Forum will be held on 24 June
Organized by the National Rice Authority in collaboration with Mipaaf and the Italian rice industry
Representatives of producers and processors, and representatives of the competent ministries of 8 countries, will discuss it remotely, together with sector managers of the Italian Regions involved in the crop. more