EFA News - European Food Agency
4,766 news found

AgrifoodArtificial intelligence increasingly strategic in agriculture
New partnership between Syngenta and Insilico Medicine
Syngenta Crop Protection is collaborating with artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning company Insilico Medicine to accelerate the invention and development of new, more effective crop protection... more

Studies and researchAgriculture: mitigation to achieve carbon neutrality
Cmcc study demonstrates how to eliminate emissions from livestock farms
The agricultural, forestry and livestock sectors can contribute to the global mitigation and development objectives of a territory if sustainable land use activities are implemented. A study directed by... more

DistributionJust Eat Takeaway places two 1.1 billion bonds
Securities with a residual maturity of 4.5 and 7 years
Dutch takeout food company Just Eat Takeaway.com, yesterday issued two-tranche convertible bonds for a total of € 1.1 billion, more than the € 1 billion previously announced. The amount of the first tra... more

AgrifoodAgritech Innovation is born with Abaco and Cesar of Uni Perugia
The think tank for sustainable and solidarity agriculture
Abaco, a European player in the supply of software solutions for the management and control of territorial resources oriented towards precision agriculture and environmental sustainability, has entered... more

DessertsBarry Callebaut suffers, but resists in the quarter
Sales volume down by -4.3%, grow the performance of chocolate (-1.8%)
Antoine de Saint-Affrique, CEO of the Barry Callebaut Group, said: “In the first quarter of the fiscal year, we are pleased to report resilient results in a still challenging environment. The overall i... more

IndustryUk. Heineken completes the acquisition of Brixton Brewery
The Group "paves the way" for the small Londoner brewery
Heineken has announced its full acquisition of Brixton Brewery, three years after it took a minority stake in the south London-based craft brewer. Upon closing the transaction, Brixton Brewery is now a... more

PeopleFlavio Valeri senior advisor of DeA Capital
He will also assume the position of chairman of Group's establishing advisory board
DeA Capital S.p.A. announces, as of 1st January 2021, the addition to the team of Flavio Valeri as Senior Advisor to the Alternative Asset Management Platform and Chairman of the new Advisory Board, which... more

HealthEU towards a "healthy" turn
Alarmist labels are foreseen on wine, such as for cigarettes
Made in Italy at risk due to cancellation of funds for the promotion of meat, cured meats and wine more

Packaging and logisticsNestlé: 96% of packaging produced in Italy is just recyclable
Published the "Sustainable Packaging Commitment: road to 2025" report
96% of the packaging used by Nestlé for products made in Italy is already recyclable. This is one of the main points that emerged from the "Nestlé Sustainable Packaging Commitment: road to 2025" report, p... more

FairsSet the dates for Cibus 2021
The international food fair reopens from 31 August to 3 September
At the end of two surveys, one among exhibiting companies and the other among national and foreign buyers, Fiere di Parma and Federalimentare have set the dates for Cibus 2021: it will be held in the first... more

PeopleThe Arla Foods executive becomes the CEO of Agrana
With Markus Mühleisen, revenues have increased sevenfold in 45 years
Agrana has announced the appointment of Arla Foods executive Markus Mühleisen to the role of group CEO from June, following the retirement of long-serving CEO Johann Marihart. The Austrian ingredients... more

Economy and financeNewlat: bonds up to 200 million
Resources to support the M&A strategy in food & beverage sector
The board of directors of Newlat Food SpA, which met today, approved the issue of an unrated, unsecured, non-convertible and unsubordinated senior bond loan for a minimum value of Euro 150 million and... more

IndustryBarilla acquires Canadian Catelli dry Pasta
An operation of approximately 107 million euros
On 29 January Barilla completed the closing of the acquisition of Catelli dry Pasta in Canada from the Spanish giant Ebro Foods. The agreement includes the Catelli, Lancia and Splendor brands and the plant... more

Press releaseThe "Blue Cookbook" of Msc sustainable fishing is coming
Ten international chefs together for the oceans
Marine Stewardship Council (Msc), a non-profit organization that works to promote seafood sustainability through its standards for sustainable fishing, publishes the "Blue Cookbook": 10 recipes from 10... more

IndustryOrsero expects revenue consolidation
Group approves budget projections for the year 2021
On the basis of the budget projections approved for the 2021 financial year, the board of directors of Orsero SpA communicates, in continuity with the previous year, the guidance with reference to the... more

Conserved and jamsPolli towards 150 years of history
Of the 70 million jars of pesto produced, 60 are destined for export
Founded in 1872, the Tuscan company Polli will cross the milestone of 150 years of history next year. Always present in the field of pickles and pickles, in 2020 it recorded a turnover of 118 million euros... more

Catering and hospitalityPellegrini Restauration acquires MyMenu
The food delivery operator will maintain operational independence with its own brand
Following a global trend that increasingly aims at enhancing the distribution of ready meals (see, for example, the acquisition of Mindful Chef by Nestlé ) Pellegrini announces the acquisition of majority... more

Catering and hospitalityAutogrill: capital increase marks a turning point
Tondato: "Investment to grow and create value"
"It was not easy to keep the bar straight with empty motorways and airports. For those who, like Autogrill, base their turnover on mobile consumption, the group has over 4,000 points of sale and 60,000... more

Oils and condimentsThe numbers of the Monari Federzoni-Fattorie Giacobazzi union
Exclusive interview with Sabrina Federzoni
From the acquisition of Fattorie Giacobazzi by Monari Federzoni, was born one of the most important centers for balsamic vinegar of Modena, with an aggregate production equal to 11% of the total balsamic vinegar of Modena IGP sold in Italy and abroad. more

IndustryMondelēz, a year to be framed
Revenues up 3.7%, equal to $ 26.5 billion, net profit stood at 3.72 billion
Mondelēz International, published the financial results for the fourth quarter of 2020. The Group's net revenues for the year increased by 2.8% and amounted to $ 26.5 billion mainly thanks to the growth... more

BeverageDiageo communicates an encouraging recovery
Interim financial results for 2021, half year ended 31 December 2020
"We performed well, despite a very challenging operating environment, characterized by organic growth in sales during the half-year analyzed. We quickly moved towards new channels that could represent... more

BiologicalThe Chinese choose bio made in Italy
Nomisma analysis reveals consumption and trends in China
17% of the Chinese indicate "Italy" when they think about a country producing food & beverage excellence more

Economy and financeLess and less food on Milan stock exchange
Delisting for Ima and Massimo Zanetti Beverage Group
After 25 years of listing, Ima, the multinational of automatic machines and packaging of Ozzano Emilia leaves Milan stock exchange after the success of the takeover aimed at delisting launched by the shareholders... more

ForeignMarca China "International Private Label Fair" is coming
Agreement signed between BolognaFiere and Shenzen Retail Business Association
The first edition of the event will be held from 8 to 10 June 2021 at the Shenzen World Exhibition & Convention Center more

IndustryEU Antitrust investigates on Mondelēz
Possible practices of restricting competition on European national markets
The European Commission has opened an antitrust investigation into Mondelēz, the food giant among the largest producers of chocolate, biscuits and coffee in Europe. The American multinational has come... more

IndustryStarbucks: revenue in red in the first fiscal quarter
Recorded a 5% drop
Starbucks Corporation reported results for the first quarter of fiscal year 2021, in which earnings exceeded analysts' estimates for the fifth consecutive quarter, but revenue did not meet the Group's... more

FairsBeer & Food Attraction, from hybrid to digital event
"The Digital Event for Eating Out" will be held from 12 to 14 February
First stage towards the live edition more

Catering and hospitalityMercato Metropolitano: 10 more openings by 2025
£ 35 million expansion in London, Europe and US
The £35m expansion will focus on major cities around the world and is expected to create around 2,000 jobs. Mercato Metropolitano was founded by Andrea Rasca, a former vice-president of Italian food hall... more

Packaging and logisticsGerman Südpack acquires the laminates of Lpf Flexible Packaging
Operation expected by 1st February, with immediate integration
German packaging company Südpack has agreed to acquire Netherlands-based manufacturer LPF Flexible Packaging from the Clondalkin Group. Founded in 1907, LPF is a manufacturer of flexible packaging for... more

ConsumptionGermans first in Europe for returns on online purchases
The particularly low refund rate for food and cosmetics
Online commerce is booming. The high competitiveness among on-line retailers favors the offer of a free return service and with very generous return times. According to the Statista Global Consumer Survey,... more

Economy and financeState aid: extension and raising of ceiling of the Temporary framework
Expiry date set at 31 December 2021
The European Commission has announced the decision to extend the temporary framework on state aid adopted on 19 March 2020 to support the economy in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic, until 31 December... more

Packaging and logisticsLarge Consumption Packaging Observatory
New evolutionary scenarios presented by Nomisma
The Nomisma survey conducted on over 1,000 consumers aged 18 to 65, presented today on the occasion of the third appointment of the Largo Consumo packaging observatory, reveals how the health emergency... more

Government acts2021: agreements to protect some Italian and French PDOs and GIs
There are bilateral EU agreements with Japan and South Korea
In 2021, some Italian and French GI products will be protected in Japan and South Korea thanks to the EU-Japan and EU-South Korea bilateral free trade agreements. The list of new GIs protected in Japan... more

IndustryDe' Longhi: strong growth in 2020 preliminary revenues
Double digit in all macro areas, with the exception of Meia area
In 2020 the De' Longhi Group achieved revenues of about € 2.353,1 million, above expectations and equal to a growth of 12% (13.9% in organic terms) and of 12.5% normalized, after a fourth quarter growing b... more

Catering and hospitalityMcDonald's under expectations, -12% 4th quarter profit
Covid continues to weigh, it holds up only in the USA
McDonald's below expectations in the fourth quarter of the fiscal year. The Covid-19 pandemic continues to weigh on the American fast food chain, which recorded a 12% drop in profit compared to last year,... more

Packaging and logisticsPro Carton chooses #Greensource
Renewable materials and eco-friendly products for climate neutrality
The European Association of Carton and Cartonboard manufacturers, Pro Carton, has joined the #Greensource initiative as a co-leader of the campaign. #Greensource was established in 2020 as part of a Europe-wide... more

WinesFrom Primum Familiae Vini an award to family companies
Among the finalists also the Italian Giusto Manetti Battiloro
In February, the twelve Pfv families will meet to select the winner. The final decision will be announced in March 2021. more

Catering and hospitalityFabbro Food is financed by Cdp
5 million euros with Sace assurance
Fabbro Food, a company operating in collective catering for public entities, public and private hospitals, has obtained a loan of 5 million euros with a duration of 72 months from Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.... more

ForeignTop 10 insights in climate science in 2020
Ranking compiled by 57 researchers from 21 countries
A group of 57 scientists from 21 countries compile the 10 key climate findings of 2020, presented yesterday 27 Jan by the executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change... more

IndustryV-Finance partner of Borsa Italiana's "Sustainable Finance" program
The company will assist SMEs in path of sustainability
V-Finance, the company of the Ir Top Consulting Group, specialized in innovative and sustainable finance, adheres to the “Sustainable Finance Partnership” of the Italian Stock Exchange. V-Finance as a p... more

Economy and financeTwo Food startups awarded by Cdp and Digital Magics
Wenda works on food tech and FrescoFrigo in Retail
Also two food startups among the fourteen on which Cdp Venture Capital Sgr and Digital Magics have focused. The new round of investments, launched in September of last year and which involved 14 Italian... more

LiqueursSpain. E-commerce is growing for Ron Diplomático
Online sales are 3% of the brand's global turnover
If in 2019 Ron Diplomático's online sales were practically nil, in 2020 thanks to the activation of new digital platforms, they represent about 3% of the global turnover of the brand in Spain. This is... more

DistributionToo Good To Go launches the "Pact against Food Waste"
5 actions to unite companies, supermarkets and consumers
Have a concrete impact against food waste and ensure that 50% of Italians are more informed and attentive on the subject of food waste, labeling and the Tmc (Minimum Term of Conservation). With these... more

HealthUkko: funding to fight food allergies
$ 40 million led by Leaps by Bayer
Ukko, a biotech company with the mission to eliminate food allergies and sensitivities, today announced USD 40 million in new Series B funding. Ukko harnesses artificial intelligence (AI) and protein engineering... more

WinesSpain. Do Utiel-Requena, sales down by 9.7% in 2020
The harvest was positive, with 503 liters / square meter produced
The Do Utiel-Requena closed 2020 with over 30.7 million back labels produced by registered wineries, reporting a drop in sales of 9.7% compared to the previous year, which was caused by the pandemic situation,... more

WinesThe Lambrusco protection consortium is born
From the merger of the protection consortia of Modena, Reggio Emilia and of Reno
As anticipated by EFA News (see article dated 2/10/2020 ), the Italian Lambrusco protection consortium is born, which today elected its board of directors. A reality created by the merger of the protection... more

Packaging and logisticsFruit and vegetables: Ifco rewards the commitment to sustainability
Certification awarded for the fourth consecutive year
Ifco, a company engaged worldwide in the supply of reusable plastic packaging for fresh food (Rpc), has awarded distributors and producers of fruit and vegetables in Europe and North America for the fourth... more

BeverageUSA. Molson Coors crosses the threshold of "ready to drink"
New partnership for distribution of Ckbg's Superbird cocktails
Molson Coors Beverage Company has announced a new partnership to distribute CKBG’s Superbird ready-to-drink cocktail. Superbird is a carbonated 5.9% ABV take on a Paloma, made with 100% blue agave tequila, g... more

FairsIeg: ready to restart with fairs and congresses 2021
It begins with the full digital of Sigep, Beer & Food Attraction and BBTech Expo, in March and April
Italian Exhibition Group, an international trade fair and congress player with its exhibition sites in Rimini and Vicenza, listed on the MTA of the Italian Stock Exchange, faces the global emergency with... more

FairsAnuga 2021, the exhibition spaces are sold out
Many companies have confirmed their participation
Everything seems to indicate that the 2021 edition of Anuga, one of the largest world events for food & beverage, will be a success. A phrase that is not expected to be heard in a season like the present... more