Milan-Parma (Cibus and Tuttofood): an agreement that strengthens Made in Italy
Once the partnership between the two exhibition centers has been formalised, the top management is looking towards the international market

With the positive resolutions, before the assembly of Fiere di Parma on 7 February and subsequently that of the Board of Directors of Fiera Milano on 9, the agreement was definitively signed between the two companies for a harmonized management of their exhibitions dedicated to the agri-food sector or Cibus and Tuttofood. The news had been anticipated by numerous media outlets including EFA News.
From today Fiera Milano is the second private shareholder of Fiere di Parma, with a stake of 18.5%, after Crédit Agricole Italia, which holds 26.44%. Together with Unione Parmense degli Industriali, a 6.88% stake, an agreement is therefore consolidated between the private shareholders who have led the Ducale company over the last 14 years which, from now on, will manage both exhibitions with the historical partner of Cibus : Federalimentare. The public shareholders, i.e. the Municipality and the Province with 15.97% each and the Emilia Romagna Region (which holds 4.15%) extend their agreement to the Chamber of Commerce (which holds 9.78%), responding to recent institutional requests .
"At the conclusion of this long journey and this extraordinary result - said Gino Gandolfi , president of Fiere di Parma - I do not forget when in the midst of the pandemic in autumn 2020, Giampiero Maioli, CEO of Credit Agricole Italia, Enrico Pazzali , president of the Foundation Fiera Milano, Carlo Bonomi , president of Fiera Milano and our CEO Antonio Cellie spoke to me about their vision of uniting the two platforms of the Italian agro-food sector, as all the operators have been hoping for for many years, to enhance more and more and in a coordinated way the typical productions of Made in Italy and, by involving me, they gave life to the project that is being realized today. I am also convinced that the entry into the share capital of Fiere di Parma of the main Italian trade fair operator will produce other significant and fruitful synergies. For these reasons, I feel obliged to thank all the public and private shareholders of Fiere di Parma, our board of directors and our structure who have made this agreement possible, with their decisive contribution".
“Federalimentare welcomes the Cibus-Tuttofood agreement with great satisfaction - stated the president of Federalimentare, Paolo Mascarino - as it contributes to the vision of creating greater synergies in Italy between all the players in our food system. The opportunities for growth are on international markets, and thanks to Cibus-Tuttofood we will be able to count on trade fairs of an even higher level and visibility that will strengthen the competitiveness of Made in Italy food products abroad”.
The specialization and enhancement of the two Food & Beverage exhibitions is only the first step in an alliance that provides for further synergies between the two exhibition companies in other strategic sectors for our country such as mechanics and tourism where Milan and Parma host leading exhibitions in Italy such as , respectively, Ipackima and CibusTec, Bimu and Mecfor, Bit and Salone del Camper&Outdoor.
EFA News - European Food Agency