International Livestock Fairs: registrations are already booming
The event in Cremona (30/11-2/12 2023) will see the participation of 150 farms

Those expected for the 78th edition of International Livestock Fairs are numbers that confirm Cremona as an international point of reference for zootechnics. The leading event in the livestock sector, which will be staged at CremonaFiere from 30 November to 2 December 2023, already sees over 800 animals registered from 150 farms from all over Italy and 9 European countries, as well as already being able to count on 50,000 m2 of exhibition of the best technologies for the livestock supply chain and over 100 in-depth, update and comparison events for sector operators. But the centrality of Cremona is also expressed by the enormous interest that Italian and foreign breeders are showing in the fair and the livestock exhibition. In fact, CremonaFiere, also with the intervention of Ice Agenzia, is implementing the international promotion program which has already brought official delegations of sector operators from 20 countries, including Germany, Spain, Holland, the Czech Republic, the USA, Canada, South America.
The program of the event includes a rich calendar of events, more than 100 seminars, workshops and conferences as well as livestock exhibitions and the @CR European Sale auction. As part of the technical-scientific calendar, the main themes of the sector will be addressed: from raw materials to the valorisation of the supply chain, from renewable energy from agricultural sources to technological innovations to the sustainability of the sector. The livestock exhibition will represent the best of European cattle breeding of the Holstein, Red Holstein, Brown and Jersey breeds also with the international auction which will see lots coming from Italy and Europe. The auction, as has happened in the last two years, will donate the proceeds from some lots to charity.
As always, innovation will be a great protagonist both in terms of solutions - with the large exhibition showcase, increasingly varied and qualified - and in terms of recognition of companies for their efforts. During the exhibition days the Targa Beltrami prize will be awarded which - as stated in the regulation - "has the aim of recognizing and rewarding companies and researchers in the agri-food chain who stand out for a significant level of innovation in machinery and working methods and in the processes used". The Award, in fact, intends to promote the culture of innovation by increasing awareness that innovating mainly means enhancing the efficiency of products and processes and therefore contributing to greater sustainability of environmental conditions.
The Targa Balestrieri award also moves in the same direction, an award promoted by the National Association of Young Breeders (Anga), which aims to enhance the commitment of the new generations in the livestock sector. In Cremona's tradition of contributing significantly to the development of the sector, this year too the exhibition will dedicate ample space to training with educational dissemination experiences dedicated to students (who were so successful last year with the national competition for agricultural schools On the way to Cremona and the other initiatives for children and teenagers which will be further expanded this year), but also with training sessions aimed at professionals.
“The innovative approach of the international livestock fairs in Cremona derives from the involvement of breeders and companies in the sector – declares Roberto Biloni , President of Cremonafiere -. Ours is a fair open to the inclusive contribution of everyone, which aims to network the work also with institutions, and thanks to which the format has the ability to renew itself from year to year. The meeting point provided by the fair is not only able to provide the useful tools to have an overall vision of the future, but represents an important moment of international comparison to grow and promote our production model".
EFA News - European Food Agency