Good Economy: Sicily bets on denominations
CIA debate tomorrow in San Vito Lo Capo, in the presence of politicians and sector operators

There is an agriculture in Sicily that looks to the future with a new awareness of the values in the field: it is the Economy of Good. A complex system, also made up of small producers, which can generate extraordinarily important effects, to increase the remuneration value of agricultural and processed products, for the territory not only for the effects of environmental sustainability, and for the communities. We will talk about it in San Vito Lo Capo, Sicily, at the Cia Meeting organized by Cia Western Sicily on the occasion of the Cous Cous Fest, one of the showcases of the island's food and wine, which enhances the role of agriculture and denominations.
On Friday 15 September, with a program organized in various themed sessions, the agricultural world, employer associations, protection consortia, supply chain governance and institutions will meet to define strategies, tools and alliances to achieve greater capacity of convergence and cohesion between the different quality agri-food supply chains, with the other systems - from tourism to catering, but also logistics and large-scale distribution - which contribute to integrating and strengthening the growth processes of the agricultural economy and its transformation. An inevitable process that opens up to first-rate scenarios also thanks to the very recent recognition obtained by Sicilian agriculture for 2025: Sicily will in fact be the European region that will be able to use the title of 'European Region of Gastronomy' at European and international level (read EFA News).
The Cia Talk will start at 09.30 with a first opening session entrusted to the introductory and institutional interventions of the president of Cia Western Sicily Camillo Pugliesi , of Edy Tamajo , councilor for Productive Activities of the Sicilian Region, of Mimmo Turano , councilor of Education and Training Professionale, and by Francesco Paolo Scarpinato , councilor for cultural heritage and Sicilian identity. The moderator will be Carlo Passera of Identità Golose.
The second session will develop on the topic of regulations with speeches by Luca De Carlo , president of the Senate Agriculture Commission, Paolo De Castro , MEP and rapporteur on the GI reform, and Riccardo Deserti , general director of the Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium. The program will then continue with the markets session, with speeches by Alessandra Corsi , marketing director of the Conad offer, and Graziano Scardino , president of Cia Sicilia. Addressing the topic of Governance will be Giuseppe Bursi of the Sicilian Doc, Mauro Rosati , director of the Qualivita Foundation, Dario Cartabellotta , general manager of the Agriculture Department of the Sicilian Region, and Flavio Innocenzi , director of the Asiago Dop Consortium. The conclusions of the first part of the day will be entrusted to the national vice-president of the CIA Gianmichele Passarini .
The second afternoon part of Cia Talk was conceived by Cia Sicilia Occidentale with the aim of opening a direct comparison between national and Sicilian consortium and territorial experiences, with the aim of improving the strategic aspects in the use of the European promotion measures intended to certified productions. The journalist of Il Sole 24 Ore, Nino Amadore , will moderate the round table which will see, among the protagonists, the exponents of the Sicilian food and wine consortia dialogue with the protagonists of the Italian consortia to discuss issues related to development and promotion of certified products. The meeting, open to the Sicilian Protection Consortia, will be attended by representatives of the Sicilian Blood Orange PGI, the Monte Etna PDO Extra Virgin Olive Oil Consortium, the Sicilian PGI Oil, the Leonforte Peach PGI, the Monti Iblei PDO, the Interdonato Lemon PGI of Messina and the Doc Monreale, Doc Mamertino, Doc Marsala, Doc Malvasia delle Lipari and Doc Sicilia.
EFA News - European Food Agency