Macfrut 2024: increasingly central African markets
The next edition of the fruit and vegetable exhibition was presented in Mozambique and South Africa

Macfrut presented itself in Mozambique and South Africa. A double presentation that confirms the centrality of the African continent for the international fruit and vegetable supply chain fair which in the 41st edition scheduled at the Rimini Expo Center (8-10 May), will see the presence of a pavilion entirely dedicated to Africa. Valentina Piraccini , head of Macfrut's foreign office, took part in the double presentation, together with Chiara Campanini from the same office.
The first stop was in Maputo in front of a large group of Mozambican operators, in the presence of the Italian ambassador Gianni Bardini, the Ice director in Maputo Paolo Gozzoli , the owner of the Aics Regional Headquarters in Maputo (Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development) Paolo Sertoli , together with some officials of the VI Aics Office and numerous representatives of international organizations, such as FAO and Unido (United Nations Industrial Development Organization). Mozambique, which has participated in various editions of Macfrut in the past, urgently needs to increase its fruit and vegetable production and create a cold chain which is currently rather lacking.
“The search for technology and banks interested in investing in our agriculture are the main reasons that push us to participate in Macfrut – commented Alcides Cintura , representative of the Conselho Empresarial Provincial of the province of Manica – We would like the organizers and the Italian system to help us would help bring young people to attend the fair's events and see with their own eyes that agriculture is not just about hoes and seeds, but offers infinite possibilities".
Jaime Comice , representative of Unido, also underlined the need to focus heavily on the participation of young people, with guided technical visits, which are extremely important from a training and innovation point of view. Alberto Giani , team leader of the agriculture sector of Aics Maputo, recalled how the past participation of senior officials from the Ministry of Agriculture of Mozambique in Macfrut supported the development of the Manica Agro-Food Center (Caam) project - subsidized credit of 35 million euros agreed with the Italian government - the agreement of which is currently being signed by the Mozambican government. Federica de Gaetano , official of the VI Office of Aics, illustrated the strategy of Italian cooperation for rural development and food security. The mission then continued with a visit to some markets and agricultural realities in Mozambique.
The next stop took place in Cape Town where the 41st edition of Macfrut was presented to associations and entrepreneurs. South Africa has also confirmed its presence at the 2024 edition of Macfrut under the coordination of Wesgro (Western Cape Trade & Investment Promotion Agency) with 20 companies from the production and supply chain. The companies present at the last edition of Macfrut gave positive feedback on the meetings and contacts undertaken and the objective of participation will be to consolidate relations with Italy and Europe.
EFA News - European Food Agency