Danone closes yogurt plant in Spain
Decision to stop in Parets del Vallès north of Barcelona: 157 places at risk, unions against

Danone has decided to close its yogurt factory in Parets del Vallès, Spain, north of Barcelona. The decision, as stated by the company, was taken to increase "the competitiveness of brands" and improve "industrial efficiency". The closure should have an impact on employment for 157 workers. The French dairy giant added that it had initiated a negotiation process "on the possible cessation of the establishment’s activity" with "the legal representation of workers".
According to rumors, Danone has already started the search for a new buyer for the plant in which, In 2021, the group invested about 12 million Euro in the installation of a new production line at the Catalan site for the production of Alpro yogurt made from coconut and oats. At the time, Danone had declared that Parets del Vallès was its first European factory producing dairy products and alternative products in the same space.
The Catalan trade union Comissió obrera nacional de Catalunya (Ccoo Cat) has moved against Danone’s decision. In a brief statement, the union announced: "the management of Danone has communicated in recent days to the works committee its decision to close the factory in Parets del Vallès. CCOO de Catalunya strongly rejects the announcement and invites the company to back off in its intentions. CCOO exhorts the management of Danone to agree to negotiate with the representation of the factory an industrial plan that guarantees the continuation of the activity and the places of work in the plant of Vallès".
Danone reiterates that the decision is "part of a process of local rationalization with the aim of strengthening the competitiveness of brands and gaining industrial efficiency": the company, "will cooperate with the legal representation of workers to offer the best possible solutions and minimize the impact on the employees of the plant.
Similarly, Danone Spain will try to reach an agreement that meets the interests of all parties and will make every effort to mitigate the consequences of this announcement". The company also stated that it will promote "reindustrialization" with the aim of "facilitating industrial continuity in the area and minimizing the impact on work".
EFA News - European Food Agency