Macfrut 2024 the novelty of the Agrivoltaic Exhibition
Exhibition area, technical tables and conferences in collaboration with Key – The Energy Transition Expo by Ieg

At Macfrut 2024 the great news of the Agrivoltaic Exhibition. Organized in partnership with KEY – The Energy Transition Expo, the IEG (Italian Exhibition Group) event of reference in Southern Europe, Africa and the Mediterranean basin on energy transition, the Show showcases all the opportunities offered by the integration of production agricultural to the generation of photovoltaic energy. It is the first time that a vertical fruit and vegetable fair places its focus on two themes that are increasingly at the center of modern agriculture (agrivoltaic and agrisolare), demonstrating the attention to innovation and sustainability towards the entire supply chain that has always been characterizing feature of Macfrut (Rimini Expo Center 8 -10 May).
“Agrivoltaics represents a new frontier for renewables, as confirmed by the recent draft decree which has the objective of installing at least 1.04 gigawatts of advanced agrivoltaic systems by 30 June 2026: it constitutes a great development opportunity for the our country and it is one of the most important ways to lead agriculture towards decarbonisation", declares Alessandra Astolfi , Global Exhibition Director Green and Technology Division of Ieg, "at Macfrut 2024, with the Agrivoltaic Exhibition powered by Key, its exhibition area and the scheduled events, we address agronomists and all the protagonists of the national and international fruit and vegetable supply chain, with the aim of presenting them with the new opportunities that this technology can offer, also with a view to the creation of new business models much more sustainable for agricultural companies, both from an economic and environmental point of view".
Through an innovative approach, the Show brings together the central themes of agrivoltaics in a single area: renewable sources, sustainable use of land, protection of biodiversity and agricultural practices. All this to achieve the decarbonisation objectives of our economy, creating shared value with the territories and local communities that host the plants.
In detail, the Agrivoltaic Exhibition offers an exhibition part with the presence of a large group of companies in the sector, as well as technical tables with specific project presentation sessions. To enrich everything, a series of conferences are planned on the key themes of agrivoltaics in the fruit and vegetable sector: CAP and PSR measures; training tools for agronomists; fruit growing at risk of genetic erosion. Finally, two events are dedicated to specific issues of international scope with particular attention to two continents (Africa and Latin America).
EFA News - European Food Agency