Africa&Mediterranean Poultry Forum: poultry farming meets in Rimini
The event in collaboration with Assoavi and Unaitalia, together with Macfrut (8-10 May 2024)

Africa&Mediterranean Poultry Forum and B2B is the international event dedicated to poultry farming which will be held from 8 to 10 May 2024 at the Rimini Expo Centre. This is a moment of in-depth analysis of the poultry sector and an opportunity for dialogue with institutions and stakeholders to systematically strengthen networking with the entire supply chain.
The Poultry Forum, promoted by Fieravicola in collaboration with Assoavi and Unaitalia, will take place at the same time as Macfrut, the international fair dedicated to the fruit and vegetable supply chain, and constitutes the alternating appointment with Fieravicola, the biennial exhibition of the Italian poultry sector.
The challenges of the Italian poultry supply chain will be at the center of the first day, with the presentation of the Ismea study on the prospects of the sector in Italy. The second day will see two sessions: one dedicated to international issues with a specific focus on the development of the poultry sector in Africa and the Mediterranean and the presence of numerous buyers from these countries, invited by the fair and interested in technologies, genetics and veterinary products Italians.
The second session will delve into the role of technology and innovation as key factors to address current challenges. Among the topics are the prospects of in ovo sexing, vaccinations and insurance.
The third day, Friday 10 May, will be dedicated to conferences focused on more specifically technical-scientific aspects with a focus on Italian poultry farming with experts from all over the world in collaboration with the scientific associations of the sector, the World's Poultry Science Association (WPSA), the Italian Society of Avian Pathology (Sipa) and the Italian Scientific Association of Rabbit Breeding (Asic). This session will feature an update on the developments of the European Broilernet project by Unaitalia.
Within the Poultry Forum area there is an International Business Lounge aimed at foreign operators from African and Mediterranean countries, where it will be possible to organize business meetings.
EFA News - European Food Agency