Cibus 2024: record edition expected
Mascarino (Federalimentare): "Important occasion, more and more confidence in our products abroad"

The 22nd edition of the event, scheduled at Fiere di Parma, from 7 to 10 May, was presented at Italian Minister of Agricolture. “The future of Made in Italy Food", declared Antonio Cellie, CEO of Fiere di Parma, "will depend on its ability to continue to innovate and invest while remaining faithful to traditions and territories".
It is in the sign of booming agri-food exports that Cibus 2024 promises to be the record edition. Although volumes were slightly decreasing, in terms of value this Italian export sector exceeded 52 billion euros in 2023. These numbers emerged during the presentation of the exhibition event (scheduled at Fiere di Parma, from 7 to 10 May 2024), held at the Sala Cavour of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry. The numbers of the 22nd edition of Cibus surpass all previous events, marking a new record for sector fairs in Italy: More than 3,000 brands present and 2,000 top international buyers from the main target markets. The fair will extend over 120 thousand square meters of exhibition space distributed across 8 pavilions. To look to the future of the Parma Fairs Sector and the Catholic University are launching the new Food Global Monitor.
Underlining the record numbers of the 22nd edition, the president of Federalimentare Paolo Mascarino indicated Cibus 2024 as "an important opportunity as the food industry, in addition to generating products and employment, with its activities contributes to food security and well-being of Italians, demonstrating its high social value. Furthermore, the Italian food industry", added Mascarino , "presents itself at Cibus 2024 as a healthy sector, constantly growing and enjoying great trust from consumers. This trust is also reflected abroad, where the Italian food industry is conquering more and more markets, helping to export Made in Italy and the Italian lifestyle around the world."
“The future of Made in Italy Food", declared Antonio Cellie , CEO of Fiere di Parma, "will depend on its ability to continue to innovate and invest while remaining faithful to traditions and territories. From the privileged observatory of Cibus we are very confident about the consistency of our companies and our products. In recent years we have further increased the value for money of our offer which is becoming increasingly interesting for the main geographies of our exports to the benefit of the trade balance and the various supply chains".
According to the president of the Ice Agency Matteo Zoppas , "events like Cibus are very important to take stock of the situation of the domestic and international markets, but also the opportunity, especially for SMEs, to start or increase their internationalization path, strengthening the presence and identifying new opportunities and new markets".
Finally, the Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry Francesco Lollobrigida recalled that "made in Italy is the combination of the best qualities we can offer. We must tell the rest of the world about the excellence of the Italian agri-food system by always making it known our products more. Export represents a primary asset for the nation's economy, which is why it is essential to create opportunities in which to meet and discuss new scenarios and new strategies for the sector".
EFA News - European Food Agency