Assobibe: "Soft drinks not to be wasted with unnecessary taxes"
Non-alcoholic drinks italian producers indicates the sector as one of the expressions of Made in Italy in the world

Speaking today at the conference entitled "Beverages in Italy: themes and trends" organized by Agronetwork in the framework of Vinitaly, Cristina Camilli , vice-president of Assobibe, an association representing the producers of non-alcoholic drinks, underlined the strong link existing between the producing companies , the supply chain and the territory. A value chain that must be protected and not penalized by measures that harm consumers and businesses, slow down investments and purchases of local raw materials and put jobs at risk.
“Non-alcoholic drinks are an expression of Made in Italy in the world: not only colas, orangeades, chinotti, tonics, iced teas but also traditional local drinks that bring a bit of our culture abroad, recipes with a very strong territorial bond produced from small companies that represent an excellence to be protected", declared Camilli . "50% of the fruit and citrus fruits used in our recipes are of national origin, as is almost all of the packaging. A choice that for us is an added value, so much so that in 2021 we signed an agreement with the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies for the promotion of Made in Italy productions".
The soft drink industry has its roots in Italian history and tradition, but with a strong vocation for innovation, also with the aim of facilitating moderate consumption: new formulas with reduced sugar content (the quantity of sugar released into consumption through soft drinks has been cut by 41%, equal to over 468 million calories in the last ten years), smaller and resealable formats, to allow consumption at multiple times, simplified nutritional information on the label with impact nutritional value per single portion, as well as a strict self-regulation policy to protect the youngest consumers.
Despite the efforts and results achieved, however, the sector is under the shadow of the sugar tax, the tax on sugar which applies only to non-alcoholic drinks, even when sugar-free. “The tax, if it were to come into force in July, will increase the tax on a liter of product by over 28%, with a significant impact on the sector and on consumers", explains the vice-president of Assobibe. "Nomisma has estimated that in first two years after the introduction there will be a significant contraction in investments by manufacturing companies (over 46 million less), but the most significant thing will be the reduction in purchases of raw materials (-400 million) and the over 5 thousand jobs at risk."
Furthermore, in the countries where this tax was introduced there were no improvements in the health of citizens, and in some pathologies such as obesity the trends continued to grow given the residual weight of soft drinks in the overall diet. “Our sector represents an important component of the productive and social fabric of our country", concluded Camilli . "Our companies create jobs and contribute to the growth of the territory. For this reason we must be able to look forward, invest and continue to offer products that meet the tastes of consumers and are the emblem of the excellence of our territory and our culture in the world".
EFA News - European Food Agency