Macfrut: medicinal plants are worth € 1 Billion
The issue will be discussed next May 9th, during the fruit and vegetable fair, during the Fippo Forum

The main international experts in medicinal plants will meet at Macfrut on Thursday 9 May, on the second day of the international fruit and vegetable fair scheduled at the Rimini Expo Center from 8 to 10 May. Born over twenty years ago as a meeting point between producers of medicinal plants and industrial users, the Forum of the Italian Federation of Medicinal Plant Producers (Fippo) is a unique biennial event of its kind in terms of quality, for the topics covered and the speakers, since it hosts international experts from the scientific and business world. In fact, in just one day there is space for refresher courses for the producers of medicinal plants together with moments of knowledge and meeting between the operators who work in the supply chain. The Forum is divided into two parts: conferences presented by academics, technicians and experts on the state of the art of science and technology in the sector; another part is dedicated to the production companies associated with the Federation (and not only), a space to present their activities. The Forum takes place as part of the Spices & Herbs Global Expo.
“The Fippo Forum is a unique event, born in 2003, where we take stock of the state of the art in the world of spice and medicinal plant production", explains Andrea Primavera , president of Fippo. "It has always been characterized by its international factor, our interest is precisely to open the gaze of the Italian producer to the European market and make our valuable productions known. The economic value of medicinal plants, including the sum of exports and imports, is around one billion euros of agricultural raw materials. Italy is a large producer and exporter of essential oils and citrus fruits, and we are large exporters of coriander seed to China and India. Over the last 5 years the sector has grown on average by 23%. The Forum is among the few in Europe dedicated to a sector that has only two other meeting opportunities comparable in terms of level of information: the Rendez vous d'Herbalia in France and the Bernburger Winterseminar in Germany. We are talking with the two countries to hold a joint event in order to broaden the range of action of our farmers."
At the eleventh Fippo Forum in Fiera in Rimini we will talk about 25 years of Europam, the European association of producers of medicinal plants, artificial intelligence applied to essential oils, biodiversity as a source of utility, cultivation of passionflower and lavender, food safety; companies in the sector will also be presented. In addition to national experts, there will be international contributions from European countries at the forefront of production and research in the field of medicinal plants.
The Fippo Forum is part of Spices & Herbs Global Expo, the exhibition dedicated to spices, medicinal and aromatic herbs. A fair within the fair with operators from all over the world, business meetings with international buyers, technical workshops with industry experts, show cooking with product categories increasingly appreciated by consumers. The Show is organized by Fippo, Erboristeria Domani with the collaboration of Cannamela. The Forum is free and open to all, subject to registration and access to the Fair area:
EFA News - European Food Agency