Macfrut 2024: ribbon cutting for the 41st edition
Italian Agriculture's Minister Lollobrigida praises fruit and vegetable entrepreneurs, "pride of the nation"

“Entrepreneurs in the fruit and vegetable, agri-food and agro-industry sectors are the pride of this nation”. Clear words in support of the fruit and vegetable sector from the Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry Francesco Lollobrigida during the inauguration of the 41st edition of Macfrut, the international fruit and vegetable supply chain fair which opened its doors this morning (8 May) at the Rimini Expo Centre. “The entrepreneurs in this sector are those who have maintained the perception of quality", continued the minister, "which is naturally associated with Italy. Extraordinary fairs like this give me the opportunity to meet hundreds of entrepreneurs, who show themselves to the world with research, innovation and the guarantee of quality of their products. And they present themselves not only to the richest nations, who can purchase valuable goods, but also to the poorest ones who want to develop something similar to our way of feeding ourselves, producing and living. Here, at Macfrut there is a vocation that anticipates the more general vision of the Mattei Plan”.
Renzo Piraccini , president of Macfrut, opened the day: “Today we are inaugurating a record edition, the only one that brings together the entire sector's supply chain. We are a fair that adds knowledge in addition to business, so much so that if you want to know the future of fruit and vegetables, you have to come to Macfrut. It is this format that makes us unique and distinguishes us from the global panorama of sector events".
Followed by the Agriculture Councilor of the Puglia Region Donato Pentassuglia , partner region of this edition of the fair. “Macfrut confirms itself as an excellent showcase from an international point of view. Being a partner region and being one these days is a source of great pride but also of great responsibility for the entire Apulian supply chain and all the operators who appreciated not only the daily modus vivendi of the fair, but also the opportunity for comparison at an international level . We open ourselves to globalization by promptly examining the merits of the different crops and the different variations that exist from the point of view of both production and internationalization. It is our precise intent", concluded Pentassuglia , "to discuss but to proceed on these aspects and to represent ever better not only at Macfrut but also at all international fairs our ability to propose as a leading region in the South in terms of the production of agri-food quality".
Then the word went to Stefano Bonaccini , president of the Emilia-Romagna Region, who stated: “After Cibus yesterday (read EFA News ), today Macfrut: another international level event, a point of reference for the entire agri-food sector in the world. From Parma to Rimini, Emilia-Romagna confirms itself as a leading region in food: with only 7.5% of the population, the export of our food exceeded 10 billion euros last year, the second largest item after mechanical and engines. Thanks to a system that knows how to work together: companies that bring passion, quality and investments, while as a Region we have pushed hard on international promotion and incentives for the digital and ecological transition".
An important moment of the day was the presentation of the 2024 Macfrut Award to Roberto Luongo, former general director of Ice Agenzia. It was delivered by Minister Lollobrigida together with L orenzo Galanti, general director of Ice Agency. “It is difficult in these circumstances to find the words, other than to underline the great pleasure of reaping the fruits of the commitment made over the years with Ice. Macfrut, I have always underlined, must not be afraid of any world fair. I announced that Macfrut could aspire to a leading role in the global trade fair context thanks to the support of all the players in the supply chain, I can say that we are on the right path".
After the ribbon cutting at the Ismea/Masaf stand, the conference on "The priorities of the agricultural world in the new Europe" was held. A round table and discussion on highly topical issues for the sector such as the future of quality, safety, controls and above all the right economic dimension and profitability linked to those who operate in the primary sector. An institutional moment opened by the minister Francesco Lollobrigida , and which saw successive interventions by: Cristiano Fini , national CIA president; Massimiliano Giansanti , president of the national Confagricoltura; Ettore Prandini , national Coldiretti president; Livio Proietti , president of Ismea; Marco Riccardo Rusconi , director of Aics; Luigi Scordamaglia , CEO of Filiera Italia; Lorenzo Galanti , general director of the Ice Agency; Renzo Piraccini , president of Macfrut. Points of view that sought to put ideas, perspectives, tools and growth opportunities on the table for discussion, in terms of quality, exports and visibility of the agri-food and agro-industrial sector.
EFA News - European Food Agency