Cibus. Brazzale: "The future is now"
The Veneto dairy group illustrates its innovative and sustainable projects

That of Brazzale is a truly complete system: the international production chains, the innovative products, the Brazzale Science Center with its laboratories, the Gran Moravia robotic maturing, the plant for special butters dedicated to retail and professionals, carbon neutrality, the "La Formaggeria Gran Moravia" chain of stores and a production increasingly tailor-made for each channel, with a very strong vocation for export. A model that stands out among the over 3 thousand companies and 1000 new products that will animate the 22nd edition of Cibus (Parma fair).
Over the years, Brazzale has pursued his model of "revolution of tradition" with great vision and entrepreneurial ability, as also attested by the award received from Class Editori, which in 2023 included Roberto Brazzale in the 100 most courageous entrepreneurs in Italy, or that most recent from the editorial team of, a newspaper of the Repubblica-La Stampa Group, which awarded Brazzale himself the Award del Gusto for "Courage and innovation in the production of raw materials". “The future is now, here. The revolution that began over twenty years ago is a splendid reality and our company can today offer the market a complete, original and alternative model that brings innovation, development and expansion to the world. Its benefits for Italy where it has multiplied investments and employment are increasingly recognised”, explains Roberto Brazzale , president of the Group. ”Our philosophy is as simple as it is powerful. We have never chosen a place because one flag or another flies there, but because it was the best for doing that thing: it is "doing things where they do best".
Brazzale is a supply chain that brings together the best that can be achieved today: from the production of milk in Moravia, to the processing of butter and cheese there and in Italy, where maturation, cutting and packaging are better done, as well as the general management of the processes, of marketing, export management, logistics, the Scientific Center for Research and Development with the University of Milan, the creation of carbon offsetting forests in Brazil, the chain stores in the Czech Republic, Italy, China, the networks of exports to now 70 countries in the world.
“Thanks to this opening to the world we have quadrupled added value, collaborators and investments in Italy", continues the president of the Group. "The Made in Italy that Italy needs is that of added value, not that of local raw materials, structurally deficient. To grow and intercept the immense global demand for products of our tradition, which we are losing today due to a lack of high quality raw materials. We prefer to define it Made in Future, with an exciting reference of time rather than a restrictive one of place. Today we take part in the colossal task of feeding over 8 billion human beings and we want to do so by offering our traditional products in an increasingly healthy, responsible and efficient way. Our presence in China, with an import trading company and our own dairy in the agricultural region of Shandong, for example, constitutes a fundamental basis for operating in that immense, rapidly growing market, where we export many products and semi-finished products from Europe but we also produce fresh products for local consumption without suffering the times and inevitable losses in quality of naval transport, which are increasingly difficult due to the well-known international tensions".
In 2021 the company created the Brazzale Science Center scientific and technological department together with the State University of Milan. Brazzale Science Nutrition & Food Research Center (BSC) is a department of the group, with an autonomous structure of personnel and resources, which is responsible for carrying out scientific research in the nutrition sector and for supporting the image and nutritional value of milk and derivatives. And precisely on this theme, on 20 and 21 June, Brazzale Science Center organized the conference "The new era of milk and derivatives" in Thiene (Vi), with the participation of scholars and personalities from the scientific sector. “The activity of the research center has given the company a boost. Today, for example, thanks to Bsc we are able to know the natural secrets that give the extremely high quality of Fratelli Brazzale Superior Butter and our other products, so we can preserve these wonders of nature, always choosing the ideal raw materials and processes. This knowledge is impossible to achieve with traditional company laboratories and our goal is to help nature express itself in its inimitable richness", specifies Roberto Brazzale.
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