African Swine Fever: Parma ham not affected by US limits
Washington bans imports of products aged less than 400 days

(Update 5/13/2024)
Only yesterday was the serious alarm launched by Assica to Cibus (see EFA News article) on the catastrophe that could strike the Italian delicatessen industry due to the spread of African Swine Fever. And today some very serious news arrives from the United States, one of the main destination markets for our exports.
The US health authorities (specifically the USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) have imposed a further restriction on Italian cured meats, in the midst of the resurgence of African Swine Fever. The ban on imports concerns products aged for less than 400 days.
Fortunately, Parma Ham is not involved: to be regulated, it has a minimum maturation period of 14 months, which is why it has not undergone any restrictions in relation to US exports. But for many other cured meats the maturing times are much shorter and the impact will be heavy.
Products that comply with the criteria of the US C01 certificate are considered suitable for export, in relation to meat-based products, which includes those aged for more than 400 days originating from exportable meat of any origin.
As regards fresh meat or foreign raw materials, only products outside the restriction zones will be allowed to import. Goods shipped to the USA not in line with the requirements will be subject to rejection and destruction by the health authorities, impacting the national position in the ongoing negotiations between the USA and the European Commission.
EFA News - European Food Agency