Pietro Coricelli: sustainability and innovation
At Cibus 2024, CEO Chiara Coricelli presents the new Avocado Oil/Video

Pietro Coricelli, historic Italian family-owned oil producer from Spoleto, presented the latest news at Cibus 2024. As CEO Chiara Coricelli explains to us in this interview, "the oil sector is at a turning point, between a decline in production, an increase in prices and decline in consumption, even if we are recording an increase in demand for 100% Italian oil, a sign of a new consumer orientation".
The Group presented the brand new Avocado Oil at the fair, a health product that testifies to the company's continuous drive towards product innovation. "But the first theme we brought to Cibus", specifies Chiara Coricelli , "is the 2023 edition of our sustainability report, which includes the lines for sustainable development".
There is also room for investments. "In addition to Research & Development, we are investing in production by expanding our Spoleto plant", concludes Coricelli.
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EFA News - European Food Agency