Agroecology Coalition: 2024-2030 strategy
On 27 June at IFAD the transition towards fair and sustainable food systems will be discussed

“Current food systems have failed to make healthy, nutritious food accessible to all. Approximately 735 million people suffer from hunger. At the same time, our current food systems are unsustainable and contribute significantly to land degradation, climate change and biodiversity loss. Furthermore, people working at the center of systems, mostly small farmers and agricultural workers in developing countries, often live in poverty with frequent production losses due to extreme climate events." This is supported by a note from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), on the occasion of the announcement of a new initiative.
In this context, the Agroecology Coalition will launch an ambitious strategy for 2024-2030 to accelerate the transition to sustainable and equitable food systems using agroecology for purpose. The Agroecology Coalition is a global coalition of more than 300 members from pioneering governments, international agencies, scientific groups and civil society organizations.
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), member of the coalition and strong supporter of agroecology, will host the event in Rome, at its headquarters, in via Paolo di Dono 44, on June 27, at 4.30 pm . The presence of Alvaro Lario , Ifad president, is expected; Madeleine Kauffman , co-chair of Agroecology Coalition; Monicah Yator , co-chair, Agroecology Coalition.
A first round table will bring together high-level representatives of the Committee on World Food Security (CGIAR), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, IFAD and the World Food Program (WFP). The second roundtable will give the floor to representatives of countries and donors at the forefront of agroecology, with the ambassadors of Brazil, Senegal and Vietnam based in Rome and a representative of the European Union delegation in Rome.
EFA News - European Food Agency