Hüyük Çileği: Turkish strawberry enters European PDO register
The specificity of the product lies in its particularly pronounced smell and flavour

The European Commission has approved the inclusion of "Hüyük Çileği" strawberries from Turkey in the register of protected designations of origin (PDO). These fruits are grown in the province of Konya, in the central-southern part of the country, and their specificity comes mainly from their very pronounced flavor and smell.
The microclimate determined by the Beyşehir Lake on the shores of the district and the surrounding mountains, meets the requirements of temperature, humidity, precipitation, sun and refrigeration of “Hüyük Çileği” and protects it from frost damage. The high temperatures between June and September cause an increase in phenolic substances, which give the fruit its red color.
During these months, temperatures range between 30 and 40°C, which promotes the production of sugar and gives the fruit its sweet taste. Due to the regular use of agricultural fertilizers during each planting period, the soil is enriched with organic matter, which influences the size of “Hüyük Çileği”.
This new name will be added to the list of 3626 already protected products, available in the eAmbrosia database.
EFA News - European Food Agency