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Grana Padano Foundation welcomes chefs of heads of state

Delegation visits the Chiaravalle monastery, where the world-famous PDO cheese was born

At the Chiaravalle Abbey, on October 4th, the Grana Padano Ets Foundation, a solidarity spin-off of the Grana Padano Cheese Protection Consortium and the Cistercian monastic community will welcome a delegation of international chefs belonging to the "Club des Chefs des Chefs"

After the meeting at the Quirinale Palace with italian President Mattarella and a tour through Italy that touched Umbria, Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna and Lombardy, the Club, composed of the chefs of the heads of state, will be guests of the Chiaravalle Abbey, where they will be received by the vice president of the Grana Padano Foundation and abbot of the Cistercian community, Father Stefano Zanolini and by Laura Ferrari , president of Ferrari Giovanni Industria Casearia and member of the Grana Padano Board of Directors.

The visit to the Abbey will be followed by a tasting of Grana Padano Dop, the cheese whose recipe was developed by the monks of Chiaravalle in the year 1135 to preserve the nutritional properties of milk and feed the neediest population. A commitment to others that, together with charitable initiatives, reaches the present day and unites the Grana Padano Foundation, the monastic community and the "Club des Chefs des Chefs".

The official partner of the chefs' tour is, in fact, Ferrari Giovanni Industria Casearia, which accompanied the delegation throughout the country during their journey to discover the excellence of the Bel Paese and which, on the occasion of the visit to the Chiaravalle Abbey, will offer a special tasting of Grana Padano.

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