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Aceto Balsamico Modena: a "hot October" between valorization and international meetings

The Consortium supports the Ortigia Declaration in support of Italian PGI and PDO products

A “hot” autumn for Aceto Balsamico di Modena PGI, with the Consortium for the Protection of the product engaged in a series of promotional and valorization events both in Italy and abroad. In recent days, the incoming dedicated to a delegation of German journalists was held, who, guests in Modena, were able to discover up close the secrets of Aceto Balsamico di Modena PGI, its historical and productive characteristics, visiting the places of production and the historical contexts where the product is born, recounting the complexity and richness that make it so appreciated in the world.

Similar goals, different guests, for a second incoming that will be held next week dedicated to a group of American journalists, organized in collaboration with the Consorzio Tutela Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena.

In the days immediately following, once again together with the Consortium for the Protection of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena with “Le Terre del Balsamico”, the Consortium will be present at the prestigious Truffle Fair for training and education activities. Hosted in the city of Alba, in Piedmont, the fair attracts chefs, gourmets and enthusiasts from all over the world, celebrating one of the most sought-after gastronomic excellences in the world: the white truffle, to which the Black Gold of Modena will be linked in a high-level masterclass.

Switzerland will then be the international stage where Aceto Balsamico di Modena will compete with some of the most important PDO and PGI products in the world. The director of the Consorzio Tutela Aceto Balsamico di Modena Federico Desimoni will be in Geneva, on the occasion of the oriGIn Expert Meeting, the event dedicated to the discussion on the latest news and challenges related to the protection and application of Geographical Indications at an international level, organized by OriGIn, the global alliance of Geographical Indications that represents a wide range of sectors, bringing together about 600 producer associations and other institutions linked to GIs from 40 countries. On this occasion, director Desimoni will chair the technical table of experts dedicated to “Evocation beyond the EU”, in which the latest jurisprudence of the European Union will be discussed, analyzing a series of cases in which the evocation referred to a denomination has been recognized as misleading for the consumer.

"More than 180 lawyers and legal experts involved in the protection of GIs in Europe and in various countries around the world will meet in Geneva. Sharing knowledge and experiences - explains Desimoni , "is of fundamental importance in our work which is always referred to a global dimension. Creating professional networks is the starting point for building more effective protection tools and greater awareness in national, community and international authorities that hold institutional and decision-making roles. For this reason, the Consortium is particularly active and for years has taken on a leading role in building these networks of experts". Recently, on 26 September, at the conclusion of the G7 Agriculture held in Ortigia (Syracuse), the Consortium for the Protection of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena was the protagonist with OriGIn Italia, the Italian Association of Geographical Indication Consortia which brings together the Consortia for the Protection of PDO and PGI agri-food products, of the delivery to Francesco Lollobrigida , Minister of Agriculture, of the document "The Ortigia Declaration 2024", the result of the commitment of OriGIn Italia and the contribution of the Consortia for the Protection of Italian PDO and PGI agri-food products.

"The document," says Mariangela Grosoli , president of the Consortium for the Protection of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena, "aims to relaunch the global role of Geographical Indications and to promote international cooperation in this sector, to develop protection and promotion with particular attention to the economic, social and cultural importance that these have in the production areas. Balsamic Vinegar of Modena PGI," concludes Grosoli , "is in the top five among Italian products and first for export with a consumer turnover of around one billion, all to the benefit of the Modena area. A value that must be protected and safeguarded." Among the strategic objectives of the document is the need to raise awareness among the Ministers of Agriculture of the G7 countries and other nations on the value of GIs, to protect them from duties and tariff barriers and to guarantee a global commitment to sustainable growth.

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