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European dehydrated fodder attracts great interest in Japan

At the Tokyo Agricultural Fair, Aife and Aefa promote the project

After Indonesia, Japan. The promotion of European dehydrated fodder in four Asian countries that Aife/Filiera Italiana Foraggi is successfully continuing with its Spanish counterpart Aefa within a three-year European project that started at the beginning of 2024. In recent days, in fact, the director of Aife/Filiera Italiana Foraggi Riccardo Severi , participated in the Agricultural Fair that took place in the Tokyo exhibition center, the most important exhibition of the sector that is organized in the Land of the Rising Sun where all Japanese professionals and hobbyists of agriculture meet.

“After participating in the Indo Livestock Expo & Forum in Jakarta, Indonesia,” explains Severi , “last July, it was Japan’s turn, where Aife/Filiera Italiana Foraggi participated on behalf of all its associates, to promote above all the quality of the dehydrated fodder produced in their companies. At the same time, some of them wanted to participate to network with local companies with a view to building potentially very interesting commercial contacts.”

The Spanish Aefa was also present at the Tokyo Agricultural Fair, which, as mentioned above, together with Aife/Filiera Italiana Foraggi is carrying out a European project with a total value of 1,180,000 euros, 80% of which is financed by the EU (read the EFA News). The promotion of European dehydrated fodder is at the heart of this initiative and, in addition to participation in targeted trade fair events, it includes the organization of direct missions, the creation of technical publications and web pages.

“We presented European dehydrated fodder to our Japanese interlocutors in the various formats in which it is produced,” continues Riccardo Severi , “and we registered considerable interest. Thanks to the organization of an excellent simultaneous translation service, we were able to explain in detail its specificities, especially in terms of quality, health, traceability, underlining the opportunity it can represent for the Japanese livestock system. Currently, in Japan, most of the dehydrated fodder imported comes from the United States, which for European, Spanish and Italian production, especially given that Spain and Italy are the largest European producers of dehydrated fodder, represent one of the main competitors more from an economic point of view than in terms of product quality. The bilateral meetings between Italian, Spanish and Japanese companies were very fruitful, so much so that they resulted in the intention, for next year, to organize a trip to Europe to visit companies involved in the production of dehydrated fodder both in Italy and Spain.”

The next stop of the European dehydrated fodder promotion project in Asia will be at the end of June 2025 in Taiwan.

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