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Artificial Intelligence at the service of Agriculture

Vanotti (xFarm): "All the operators in the sector gathered to reflect on the challenges of the future"

"New horizons of Artificial Intelligence for a regenerative and sustainable agriculture": this is the theme of the Agri Data Green summit organized today in Milan by xFarm, a technological platform specialized in agricultural digitalization services.

Together with the speeches of Matteo Vanotti , CEO and co-founder of xFarm Technologies, Paolo De Castro , former president of Comagri EU Parliament, Antonio Germano Spagnolo , former CEO of Danone, and Paolo Tarolli , professor of Agricultural Hydraulics at the University of Padua, several round tables were organised involving all the operators in the sector.

"The aim of the summit - explains Matteo Vanotti to EFA News - is to bring together all those who are actors in agriculture, a reality made up of many actors: so we have farmers, representative associations, supply chains, all the sales part, together to talk about the situation of the sector and the challenges. We talk about regenerative agriculture, biodiversity, climate change and technology. Technology is where we try to give our contribution, bringing technological solutions to challenge climate change to help in the yield and economic sustainability of agricultural companies. Let's always remember that sustainability has multiple dynamics, from the environmental to the economic. These are the issues of today, we try to address them with many speakers from different worlds".

"As for everything that is sustainability - continues Vanotti - , xFarm acts with its own technology, therefore solutions to improve efficiency in the field, but also to measure it, which is the most complex part. Sustainability is a very generic term, what we try to do with agricultural companies is to implement it in the field, both with natural practices and with technology. On the other hand, we have the large organized supply chains that also have ESG objectives to achieve, so we help the two worlds to come together to achieve them".

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Photo gallery Matteo Vanotti, CEO e Co-Founder xFarm Technologies
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