Italy. Riminifiera: two new pavilions completed
Additional 8,300 m2 and a new East hall available in view of the next edition of Ecomondo

The two pavilions that will enrich the Rimini trade fair district are ready until the construction of the large dome on the West side and will make an additional 8,300 m2 available for the next Ieg - Italian Exhibition Group events (read the EFA News). The project also saw the creation of the new East hall, which starting from Ecomondo, scheduled from Tuesday 5 to Friday 8 November, will welcome exhibitors and visitors (read the EFA News).
The final interventions have been made in recent days and starting today the structures have been made available for the set-ups in view of the next edition of Ecomondo, which will mark the start of the activity in the two new pavilions (named 'B8' and 'D8' and directly connected to the 'twin' pavilions B7 and D7).
“October 2024 is an important date for Ieg and for Rimini,” explains Ieg President Maurizio Ermeti . “Ecomondo will in fact inaugurate the two new pavilions with 8,300 more square meters of exhibition space. Built in record time, in four and a half months, these two additional pavilions will offer an immediate response to the space needs of our rapidly growing events. After Ecomondo, in fact, the new pavilions will be used as early as January of next year with Sigep. They will be the two largest trade fair events that Rimini has ever hosted, creating new wealth for the entire territory.”
“Someone,” continues Ieg CEO Corrado Peraboni, “says that we built these two new pavilions in Chinese time… In reality, we built them in the time that Italians manage to have when they get together and work together with forces, businesses and local institutions. But today we have simply reached a stage in our growth path. The strengthening of the Rimini trade fair structure does not stop here. This is a step to allow our events to continue to grow while waiting for the new large pavilion that will be built on the west side, thus accompanying the growth of a company that continues to produce wealth for the area, as is in Ieg's mission.”
The new East entrance and the exhibition areas are equipped with the latest technologies useful for visitor check-in. Furthermore, there are no traditional turnstiles, but the entrance tickets will be checked by manual PDAs to make the entry and exit transit smoother. The overall coordination of the works was handled by the Ieg Rimini Operations Team led by Mirco Zamponi and the design supervision, works management and safety by Mijic Architects. The works for the preparation of the ground were handled by the Pesaresi company, the temporary structures were supplied and installed by the German company Hts. The systems were designed by the Polistudio of Riccione and built by the company F.lli Franchini. Other consultants were Studi TI for safety and Studio Sarti for the structural part.
EFA News - European Food Agency