Ilpra: Stefano Bertocco new general manager
He joins his father Maurizio at the top of the food packaging group

Ilpra, a Pavia-based company listed on the EGM segment of the Italian Stock Exchange, has announced the appointment of Stefano Bertocco as its new General Manager, a move that, according to a statement, "marks a new chapter for the company." With the full support of the Board of Directors, Bertocco takes on this role "with a strong commitment to driving innovation, transforming business practices and unleashing the full potential of Ilpra and its talented workforce."
Bertocco ’s vision for the future is to “improve organizational productivity and streamline processes to achieve greater efficiency.” Focusing on the key elements of people, processes and products, the new General Manager is “ready to lead Ilpra through a period of transformation, ensuring the company remains at the forefront of its industry.”
Maurizio Bertocco will continue as CEO, maintaining his key role as the guiding force behind the strategic direction of the Mortara (PV)-based food packaging specialist. "The decision to appoint a general manager," the statement reads, "arises from the need to delegate operational leadership, allowing the company to further evolve."
EFA News - European Food Agency