Apples. Vog Consortium turns 80
Anniversary celebrated at Fruitlogistica

2025 marks an important anniversary for VOG – Home of apples: 80 years dedicated to the origin, expertise, sustainability and development of products and brands to grow the apple sector. A note, on the occasion of Fruitlogistica in Berlin, explains that the celebrations of this great milestone will take place throughout 2025, following the parallelism with what happens in the work in the fields: sowing (the past), growing (the present) and harvesting (the future). The first stop of this story was at Fruit Logistica, where the Consortium retraced its long history, through the steps that led it to become one of the most important apple producers in Europe, and to lay the foundations for a future of development for the entire fruit and vegetable sector.
VOG was founded in 1945, in a difficult context for apple growers who had long since found Alto Adige-Südtirol an ideal place for apple production. The immediate post-war period saw a European economy in ruins, lost markets and growing competition. This is why the Alto Adige fruit sector decided to join forces and found the Consortium of Alto Adige Fruit and Vegetable Cooperatives (VOG). Today, with a production of 550 thousand tons of apples per year from integrated and organic farming and a range of over 20 varieties and brands marketed in over 70 countries, VOG is one of the leading companies in the sector.
“The search for innovative and courageous solutions has been in VOG’s DNA since its inception,” explains Walter Pardatscher , Director of VOG. “Over the course of its 80 years, the Consortium has always pursued a vision oriented towards continuous improvement and growth, from the work of the apple growers in the fields, to the selection, storage and packaging activities, up to marketing. Today, we are honored to look to the future, strengthened by this experience, and to continue to face the new challenges and opportunities that arrive from the markets with the spirit of our origins.”
“VOG has the honor, but also the great responsibility, of being a protagonist in the development of the apple in the territory and throughout Europe – adds Pardatscher – For this reason, since 2022 we have presented ourselves as the Home of apples, the house in which to find origin, expertise and sustainability, which are the basis of our products and brands. We are ready to continue our commitment in the coming years to grow the category, satisfy consumers and guarantee success for our over 4,000 apple growers”.
EFA News - European Food Agency