World Flour Day. Italmopa: Italian flours and semolina, fruit of excellence
President Valente announces the 4th edition of "Molini a Porte Aperte" for next May 24th

Today, March 20, is World Flour Day. In this regard, Italmopa - Associazione Industriali Mugnai d'Italia, a member of FederPrima and Confindustria, which exclusively represents the Italian milling industry, highlights that, among the many types of flour, those deriving from the milling of soft wheat and durum wheat are historically the most widespread in our country and in the world in general.
“The quality and versatility of Italian flours and semolina are also, or perhaps above all, the result of a history, that of our mills and our male and female millers, which, over the last few decades, has expertly combined tradition and innovation”, highlights Andrea Valente , president of Italmopa, “the milling process has remained substantially unchanged over time but the technological evolution of the plants today guarantees flour products of absolute guarantee from a hygienic-sanitary point of view and with technological characteristics that respond perfectly to the needs of the market”.
There are currently around 300 mills operating in our country and annually transforming over 12 million tons of soft wheat and durum wheat for the production of almost 8 million tons of flour, destined for products that are symbols of Made in Italy food such as pasta, bread, pizza, biscuits, leavened products and pastries. The national milling sector is now firmly at the top of the European milling industry in terms of volumes but also for the quality of its production. A quality that is unanimously recognized and appreciated as demonstrated, among other things, by the continuous and robust growth of our exports of flour - which have recorded, in the last 15 years, a growth of over 300% to now total almost half a million tons - and of derived products.
“In order to allow consumers to experience the process of transforming wheat into flour and semolina and to appreciate the mastery and professionalism of the modern Miller”, Valente continues, “we have deemed it appropriate, as Italmopa, to propose again, with great enthusiasm, the 'Open Mills' Day, now in its fourth edition, which will take place next Saturday 24 May, and which will once again allow visitors to discover an often unexpected and for this reason even more fascinating reality”.
EFA News - European Food Agency