Italian "Olio Campania" becomes Igp
The product obtains the approval of the European Commission /Annex

The European Commission has approved “Olio Campania” as a protected geographical indication (PGI). This type of designation is reserved for extra virgin olive oil obtained from olives produced exclusively in the Campania region in Italy.
"The climate of the region, characterized by dry and hot summers, is strongly suited to olive growing - recalls a note from the EU Commission -. Alongside the environmental factors, even those more directly linked to human action, such as agronomic techniques and the extraction techniques have contributed to the quality of Campania's oil. The reputation of the denomination 'Olio Campania' rests on the close and ancient link between the territory, olive trees, oil and olive growing, still emblematic of the Campania region".
The new denomination will be added to the list of 1617 agricultural products already protected. The list of all protected geographical indications is available in the eAmbrosia database.
Attached to this EFA News is the document of the European Commission which registers "Olio Campania" as a PGI.
EFA News - European Food Agency