Italy is the first country in the world to ban synthetic foods
The government has approved a bill that blocks the production and sale of laboratory foods

At the moment there is no news that it has already happened elsewhere and our country conquers the primacy of the first nation in the world to ban laboratory foods. In fact, in the late afternoon, the Council of Ministers approved the bill to ban the production and marketing of synthetic food and feed.
"We could not but celebrate with our farmers a measure that places Italy at the forefront, not only on the issue of defending excellence, a matter that is particularly important to us, but also on the issue of consumer protection". Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said this, stopping at the Coldiretti flash mob in front of Palazzo Chigi after the Council of Ministers approved the bill to ban the production and marketing of synthetic food and feed.
The defense of consumers, he added, is also given by the "certainty of what is consumed and, I say more, also by the attempt to avoid the risk that some choices made tomorrow could translate into discrimination between those who can have more and those who can have less. We are linked to the fact that every citizen who eats here, who eats in the homeland of excellence, can have the same opportunities to consume food of which he knows exactly the origin, the composition and of which, in our case, he knows greatness too".
In the "Provisions concerning the prohibition of the production and placing on the market of synthetic food and feed", therefore, food or feed consisting of, isolated or produced from cell cultures or from tissues deriving from vertebrate animals is therefore completely prohibited for the use in the preparation of food, drink and feed. The sale, import, production for export, administration, distribution are prohibited, with penalties from 10,000 to 60,000 euros and the confiscation of the product. In the bill made up of 6 articles", specified Minister of Agricolture Francesco Lollobrigida, "there is no persecutory attitude but the strong will to protect the health of citizens and people who consume" but also "production, biodiversity and the environment" .
"We reaffirm the maximum level of protection of citizens' health - said Health Minister Orazio Schillaci - and the safeguarding of our nation's heritage and our agri-food culture which is based on the Mediterranean diet".
EFA News - European Food Agency