Argentina: population boom among cattle (+1.6%)
The animals surveyed in 2022 are 54,242,595. Veal category at historic high (over 15 million)

There are countries like the USA where the cattle population is declining (see EFA News). Others, such as Argentina, are bucking the trend, with a 1.6% increase in the number of heads, which stood at 54,242,595 heads in 2022. This was reported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries .
The report published by the Undersecretary for Livestock and Animal Production shows that the number of calves stands at 15,129,000 heads, or 4.6% more than the previous year, reaching the highest historical record since 2002, the year from which the census began. As for cows, an increase of 1.4% is observed
In this regard, the Secretary of Agriculture Juan José Bahillo highlighted that "the calves22/cows21 ratio is another historic milestone in terms of the level of reproductive efficiency of the national herd. With fewer cows than we had in 2007, we produce more calves compared to that year, which translates into an improvement in one of the main indicators of production efficiency", concludes the secretary, noting that, for this year, the result of this ratio is 66.7%.
EFA News - European Food Agency