France: government invests 100 million for its fruit and vegetable sovereignty
Funding provided for agricultural equipment, greenhouses, cold rooms and resilient tree plants

As part of the fruit and vegetable sovereignty plan and France 2030, Marc Fesneau, Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, together with Bruno Bonnell , Secretary General for Investments in charge of France 2030 (public investment plan for the ecological and digital transition ), launched an appeal for an expression of interest on innovative agricultural equipment dedicated to the fruit and vegetable sector in France and abroad.
To meet its ambitions in terms of food sovereignty, the government supports and accompanies investments in innovative and suitable equipment, materials and solutions for fruit and vegetable producers.
"With 2.3 billion euros, France 2030 is investing in innovation, scientific research, industrialization and expertise to support stakeholders in launching the third agricultural revolution for healthy, sustainable and traceable food, to strengthen the agricultural and food sectors in territories and thus increase the production capacity and diversification of crops", reads a note from the Ministry of Agriculture.
Launched as part of France 2030, this support mechanism for the deployment of innovative agricultural equipment for the fresh or processed fruit and vegetable sector is funded with 100 million euros and covers, in addition to agricultural equipment, investments in greenhouses and cold storage shelters or greenhouses carbon-free and, in particular, more resilient tree plants.
The procedure is divided into two phases, the first of which involves an appeal to an expression of interest managed by Bpifrance, to identify the most suitable equipment, greenhouses and plants to respond with innovation to the challenges of food sovereignty in the sector , with a first survey on 12 May. This appeal is intended for equipment manufacturers and tree nurseries. On the other hand, a branch is expected to open in the summer, managed by FranceAgrimer, to support farmers, collectively or individually, in their investment projects, in innovative equipment selected as part of the call for expressions of interest .
This system is open to nine themes at the heart of the challenges of the fruit and vegetable sector:
1) optimization of water resource management and soil, water and air conservation; 2) adaptation to climate change and emerging health risks; 3) reduction of energy consumption, production of renewable energy; 4) priority substitution of chemical and synthetic inputs or significant reduction of quantities; 5) reduction of risks and impacts; 6) reduction of greenhouse gases and atmospheric pollutants; 7) preservation of biodiversity; 8) waste management, circular economy; 9) Improvement of working conditions and reduction of work discomfort. This system covers all fruit and vegetables destined for the fresh and processed markets, including overseas production.
EFA News - European Food Agency