Intesa Sanpaolo, 55 million to Carrefour Italy for ESG projects
Agreement signed to activate new green credit line

Intesa Sanpaolo bank and Carrefour Italia have signed an agreement for a total of € 55 million that provides for the activation of a credit line with esg features, intended for the issuance of guarantees. The credit line for the issuance of guarantees, from which all subsidiaries of Carrefour Italia will be eligible, includes an incentive mechanism linked to the achievement of specific esg targets.
The deal, structured by Intesa Sanpaolo's IMI corporate & investment banking division led by Mauro Micillo, confirms the group's support for the energy transition and in support of Pnrr-related investments. The goals include reducing the amount of packaging used in Carrefour-branded products by more than 1,000 tons by 2025 and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions by more than 40% by 2025 compared to 2019. Intesa Sanpaolo will link the pricing of guarantees issued to the achievement of the identified targets.
The agreement is part of the Carrefour Group's strategy, which is based on a constant desire and commitment to integrate the pillars of sustainability into daily choices, promoting a business model capable of consistently generating economic, social and environmental value. Carrefour Italia, in fact, as a player in the large-scale retail sector, has a strategic role as a link in the entire supply chain, from producers and suppliers to the point of sale and consumers. That is why, reports an official statement, "the new Strategic Plan 2026 aims to accelerate Carrefour's leadership in the food transition for all".
It is a 360-degree commitment, which includes several actions: an investment plan of more than 50 million euros at the group level to install photovoltaic panels on the roofs and parking lots of more than 100 stores, agreements with top 100 suppliers to comply with the 1.5-degree climate trajectory, conversion by 2026 of all Carrefour-branded packaging to compostable, recyclable or reusable materials, and a reduction of pack tons to a total of more than 1,000 tons compared to 2020.
"The operation demonstrates how companies in the sector are increasingly attentive to the impacts of their activities on the territory in which they operate and more generally on the environment -emphasizes Richard Zatta, head of global corporate at Intesa Sanpaolo's IMI corporate & investment banking division-. Our group has long been strongly committed to accompanying companies towards development paths that can combine corporate growth and environmental sustainability".
"We are very pleased to have concluded this agreement with Intesa Sanpaolo -adds Luca Mammola, chief financial officer of Carrefour Italia-. Sustainability is an important point in our business strategy for us, and this is clearly demonstrated by the concrete goals we are pursuing. The results achieved will be public with a view to increasing transparency, which we are convinced is the right way to help customers make better and increasingly informed choices".
EFA News - European Food Agency