Emissions: EU Environment Commission includes intensive farming
The vote was the opposite of last month's Agriculture Commission

As regards the directive on industrial emissions, the Environment Commission of the European Parliament has disavowed the Agriculture Commission which a month ago had voted against (see EFA News). Cattle holdings with more than 300 animals and pig and poultry holdings with more than 200 animals have therefore been included in the directive. As regards mixed farms, the limit is set at 250. Extensive farms have been excluded from the directive.
The Commission had initially proposed a threshold of 150 livestock units per farm. The MEPs called to vote stressed the importance of ensuring that manufacturers outside the European Union (EU) meet requirements similar to European standards. MPs also voted to increase transparency, public participation and access to justice in relation to the licensing, operation and oversight of regulated facilities.
The European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register would be transformed into an EU Industrial Emissions Portal where citizens can access data on all EU permits and local polluting activities.
The report on the industrial emission directive and the directive on the landfill of waste was adopted by MEPs with 55 votes in favour, 26 against and six abstentions, whereas the regulation on the Industrial Emissions Portal was adopted with 78 votes in favour, three against and five abstentions.
Parliament is scheduled to adopt its mandate during the July 2023 plenary session after which negotiations with Council on the final legislation can start. The current EU rules on industrial emissions cover over 30,000 large industrial plants and over 20,000 intensive livestock farms deemed "responsible for emissions of harmful substances to air, water and soil, which can lead to health problems such as asthma, bronchitis and cancer that causes hundreds of thousands of premature deaths each year in the EU".
EFA News - European Food Agency