Dufry's opas on Autogrill closed at a 95% stake
The Swiss hold 94.50 percent of the company's share capital: soon to be delisted

Dufry's Opas on Autogrill has closed, with success, with the Swiss company taking close to 95 percent of the Italian one. After the reopening of the offer period that began on may 26, 2023 and ended on June 1, 2023, the Swiss company's press release explains in detail, "an additional 27,801,682 shares of Autogrill (equal to 7.22 percent of Autogrill's share capital) were raised and tendered to the Offer. Therefore -the note adds- based on the preliminary results, taking into consideration the ordinary shares of Autogrill already held by Dufry and the treasury shares held by Autogrill, Dufry will hold 94.5% of Autogrill's share capital".
We are, therefore, moving toward the delisting of the Italian company: since the threshold is below 95 percent, the obligation to buy in relation to the remaining 5.4956 percent of the share capital is triggered. Therefore, the timing of the subsequent delisting will also be announced shortly.
"Dufry -the statement explains- plans to implement the delisting as soon as possible in the coming weeks". Once away from Piazza Affari, the freeway and airport restaurant chain will be permanently incorporated into Dufry: thus, a 14-billion-Euro revenue colossus will be born, present with its stores in places where people travel.
EFA News - European Food Agency