US: $500 million in federal investment for domestic and agricultural biofuels
The Biden-Harris administration is increasingly aiming for energy independence

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that his department plans to invest up to $500 million from President Joe Biden 's Inflation Reduction Act to increase the availability of household biofuels and offer Americans more clean fuel options.
"President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act is a historic investment that will expand clean energy, lower costs for Americans, and build an economy that benefits working families and small businesses", Vilsack said. "By expanding the availability of homegrown biofuels, we are strengthening our energy independence, creating new market opportunities and revenue streams for American producers, and bringing good-paying jobs and other economic benefits to rural and farm communities".
In December 2022, USDA made available $50 million in Inflation Reduction Act funding to expand the use and availability of superior blend biofuels (HBIIP). Secretary Vilsack also announced the first winners of 59 infrastructure projects which will receive a total of $25 million.
In addition, the USDA announced that the Department will begin accepting applications for $450 million in grants through HBIIP in July. These grants will continue to support infrastructure needed to reduce out-of-pocket costs for transportation fueling and distribution facilities to install and upgrade biofuel-related infrastructure such as pumps, dispensers and storage tanks.
In parallel with these investments, the Federal Environmental Protection Agency recently finalized the highest biofuel production goals ever in US history, with growth in cellulosic biofuels, biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuels and advanced non-cellulosic. "This is a win for energy independence and for our rural economy, delivering stability and growth in this market for years to come", the USDA said in a statement.
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