Amadori: net growth in turnover (+27.5%) in 2022
Revenues are close to 1.8 billion euros, 97 million in investments along the integrated supply chain

Confirming its market positioning among the top five food brands in Italy, the Amadori Group closed the year ended 31 December 2022 with strongly growing economic and financial results: revenues of 1,735.7 million euros, with an increase double digit (+27.5%) on the previous year, Ebitda at 152 million euros (+77%), net result of 67.6 million euros and shareholders' equity equal to 358 million euros. The positive trend was driven by important commercial performances in modern channels (+22%), by the stability of the traditional channel and by the important expansion of the Away From Home, which recorded the full recovery in consumption after the end of the Covid-19 pandemic .Employees rise to 9,000 (+3% compared to the end of 2021), employed overall across the entire Amadori supply chain, made up of 6 food processing plants, 3 primary logistics platforms and 16 distribution centers between branches and agencies.
Investments of 97 million euros were made in 2022 which, added to those in progress, bring the amount invested between 2022 and 2023 to over 140 million euros, aimed at improving performance and production standards along the entire integrated supply chain. In the welfare area, initiatives have been undertaken to improve employee well-being such as, for example, the provision of welfare vouchers for a value of over 2.6 million euros as well as projects to develop sustainable mobility and smart working.
Confirming the Group's commitment to offer high quality and environmentally friendly products are over 110 employees involved in the control of the supply chain, from company veterinarians to breeding technicians, to Quality Assurance personnel, for over 663,000 analyzes conducted in one year to guarantee the food safety of products. Live and Taste". The company has also focused on enhancing the Quality Supply Chains, with significant growth for "Il Campese", "Qualità 10+" and "Bio", all antibiotic-free, and products processed raw and cooked at high Amadori branded service content. As far as sustainability is concerned, Amadori has continued on its path towards responsible development, as reported in its Sustainability Report, created in compliance with the Gri Standards.
With the aim of synergistically defining the strategic decisions aimed at the further development of the company, from the end of 2022 the Amadori Group has equipped itself with a new Governance with Flavio Amadori as president and Denis Amadori as managing director, organized in three directions general - operation, market and corporate - led by Antonio Zaritto, Stefano Scopone and Gianluca Giovannetti: a cohesive, strong and experienced governance, organized on the sharing of development of company processes and widespread knowledge of all functions.
“With the definition of the new governance, we want to continue building and growing the company, for the benefit of the corporate community, of all the territories in which we operate and of the shareholders,” says Denis Amadori. “Also in the light of the important results achieved, we are projected towards a future of further development based on innovation and sustainability, as well represented also by the new Corporate Identity, which aims to convey lightness and immediacy, naturalness and innovation, but also care and attention for each aspect of our work”.
EFA News - European Food Agency