Andriani Spa: 34 million euros for a plant in North America
The new Canadian production site will strengthen the Group's competitiveness in the area

Increase sustainable investments, consolidate its presence in the North American market and enhance pasta production capacity, exporting the Italian spirit and the principles of a balanced diet made up of healthy products for people and the planet. These are the objectives at the heart of the new 34 million agreement signed by Crédit Agricole Italia, as agent bank, and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, assisted in part by the Sace Guarantee, in favor of the Andriani Group, active in the agro-industry sector and of innovation food.
The resources will allow the company to carry out an important investment in Canada, with the construction of a new production site which, in line with Andriani's internationalization strategy, will improve the Group's competitive positioning in the North American market, strengthening its production capacity and allowing for the creation of new jobs.
The structure of the loan is connected to the achievement of specific ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) performance indicators identified by Andriani's Sustainability Plan: efficient management of energy consumption and consequent reduction of CO2 levels, strengthening of the circular economy and, finally , supply chain sustainability. In particular, the agreement provides for reward mechanisms in relation to the cost of the loan in case of achievement of these objectives.
Thanks to this operation, the company aims to become the largest global producer of "healthy" pasta on the market, both as a co-packer and with its own Felicia brand, using carefully selected raw materials, processed and transformed inside of their factories. The land on which the new production site will be built is located at Innovation Park, in London in the county of Middlesex Ontario: work will begin from July with the aim of producing the first pack of pasta in the second quarter of 2024.
“This operation confirms our commitment to support a strategic supply chain such as the agri-food one", declares Roberto Ghisellini, co-manager general of Crédit Agricole Italia. "We work every day to intercept the needs of our customers and we are proud to support the growth of an Italian excellence with a strong vocation for sustainability and internationalization like Andriani”.
“Supporting the international growth of Italian companies and making more effective and convenient financial instruments available in the event of the achievement of specific ESG objectives allows them to prepare for new and more ambitious future challenges. Thanks to this approach, in fact, a double positive effect is generated: strengthening the competitiveness of the Italian entrepreneurial fabric by focusing on one of the key sectors of "Made in Italy" and accelerating the sustainable development of companies, said Andrea Nuzzi, Head of Business and Financial Institutions of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. Furthermore, in line with the provisions of our 2022-2024 Strategic Plan, operations in the "innovation food" and related sectors will play an ever-increasing importance, even more so in those cases in which we have the opportunity to support territorial excellence like Andrians”.
"Support for the international development plans of a Made in Italy excellence such as Andriani - who makes sustainability and innovation a trademark - is fully within the objectives of our Together 2025 Business Plan", underlined Chief Valerio Perinelli Sace Business Officer. "This operation allows us to be at the forefront in consolidating the competitiveness on foreign markets of a company strongly rooted in the Apulian territory and with a great export vocation, supporting a strategic sector such as agrifood, ambassador of Italian spirit in the world".
“Working alongside Crédit Agricole Italia, Cdp and Sace has once again been a strengthening experience for our people. Teamwork has been rewarding and has allowed Andriani and the entire financial pool to realize an operation that is extraordinary. As an Italian, I feel proud of the result achieved, much appreciated by Canadian institutions. We are grateful to Crédit Agricole Italia, to Cdp and to Sace for their trust and support, which allow us to expand our range of action, opening up to new markets more and more effectively, implementing investments in innovation and product quality that maintain people at the center and who promote new sustainable food models, also at an international level”, concluded Michele Andriani, president and managing director of Andriani SpA Società Benefit.
EFA News - European Food Agency