Meat sounding: amendment approved in the italian Senate
The reference to meat and derivatives is prohibited for products that contain only vegetable proteins

The IX Commission of the italian Senate has approved an amendment by the League party, with the first signatures of Gian Marco Centinaio and Giorgio Maria Bergesio, which prohibits the use of names that refer to meat and its derivatives for processed products that instead contain exclusively vegetable proteins .
The rule is part of the government bill that intends to prevent the production and marketing of synthetic food and feed in Italy.
“Thanks to this regulation, we will no longer be able to find labels with names such as 'soy steak' or 'tofu steak', 'veg burger', 'vegan mortadella' or others on the shelves of our supermarkets”, explain Centinaio and Bergesio. “These are names that deceive consumers, who can convince themselves that they are buying products that also contain proteins of animal origin, when in fact this is not the case. With the approval of our amendment, therefore, we ensure citizens' right to correct information to protect their health and their interests, but we also recognize and defend the cultural, socio-economic and environmental value of our livestock products and manufacturing companies . In fact, we are convinced - add the two Northern League senators - that those who sell products with ambiguous labels are in unfair competition. Also for this reason, with the new law, he will risk heavy penalties".
The measure must now be approved in the plenary sessions of Parliament.
“For the League, correct information on the composition of foods is essential to protect consumers and businesses, both when it comes to unmasking unfounded alarms (such as Nutriscore or Irish wine labels) and when it is necessary to distinguish original products from more or less deceptive copies . This amendment demonstrates that our commitment in this sense remains and goes on”, concluded Centinaio and Bergesio.
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