"EU Commission is wrong: European viticulture is essential"
Italian, French and Spanish industry associations contest the study on the impact of plant protection products

"Viticulture is essential in Europe". This was affirmed by the associations representing the wine sector when faced with the conclusions of the complementary study on the impact of the Sur regulation published by the European Commission (see EFA News), which describes the foreseeable decrease in grape production in the European Union as irrelevant and which it would not be an essential crop. The Italian, French and Spanish representative associations claim the importance of wine in Europe in the light of the conclusions of the recent study by the European Commission on the impact of the "Sur regulation" on sustainable use of plant protection products, which states that the foreseeable decrease in grape production is irrelevant, as it is not an essential crop.
Spanish, French and Italian wine sector organizations have taken note of the complementary study just published by the European Commission on the consequences of the Sur regulation on the sustainable use of plant protection products in Europe. The European Union is the first wine producer in the world, with 45% of the world's vineyard area. This high value-added sector is vital for many European rural regions, generates millions of jobs and contributes significantly to the EU's trade balance.
However, this study predicts a decline in grape production due to the effects of the reduction of plant protection products, estimated at 18% in Spain, 20% in Italy and 28% in France, "without even assessing the impact of climate change that would added to this figure". The European Commission adds in the study that grape production is not an essential crop for European food security and that a decrease in wine production in Europe would be irrelevant. "These statements ignore the enormous economic, social and cultural contribution of the wine sector in many regions of the EU", reads the note from the associations.
This attitude is "totally unacceptable" according to the representative organizations of the wine value chain in Spain, France and Italy: it is incomprehensible that "the European Commission assumes and foresees the penalization of an entire sector of great importance for the European economy".
Wine operators and wineries have long been committed to the ecological transition and will continue to be. "There is still a lot of work to do and our producers must be able to carry on this commitment to environmental sustainability without unnecessary controversy.
We therefore ask the Member States and MEPs - reads the note - to take a clear position on this issue. Wine is an important economic and cultural product in Europe. Our sector asks to be supported to continue the ecological transition actions with realistic regulations and an operational calendar, which allows the implementation of existing and upcoming effective alternative solutions", conclude the associations.
EFA News - European Food Agency