Tequila: Italy 8th world importer
Imports in our country more than doubled (+103%) in 2022, compared to 2021

In the vicinity of Tequila Day, which is celebrated on July 24th, interesting news arrives around the most famous of Latin American distillates. In fact, Italy was in eighth place in the world for imports in 2022, for a total volume of 4 million 200 thousand litres. This was reported by the Consejo Regulador del Tequila, the body that has the task of ensuring compliance with the strict rules governing the production of spirits. A more surprising figure, however, is the dizzying boom that can be seen compared to 2021: +103%. A figure that is expected to improve further in 2023, so much so that in the first half of this year, imports have already reached 2.7 million litres.
At the top of the ranking of tequila importers, we find the United States with over 300 million liters imported, followed by Germany (over 10 million) and Spain (just under 9 million). According to the Global Tequila Market Overview, 2023-28 report published by Research and Markets, the global tequila market is expected to grow from $14.4 billion in 2022 to $20.4 billion forecast for 2028 (+42%). with a compound annual growth rate of over 6%. The tequila market is growing rapidly, particularly in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific.
It is in particular the variety of bum-bum tequila that has made the liqueur particularly well known throughout the world, among young people and on social media. In fact, we have reached over 10 million hashtags on Instagram and almost 9 billion on TikTok.
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